The week of December 12 was a great week for introducing two new visitors to nudism, and remaining nude for a return visitor. On Monday, the TDS Telecom technician came to my home to change-out the router on my home commuter. Unlike most visitors, I was not able to speak with him prior to coming to my home. Fortunately, I have a "nudist" sign on my front door, which alerts all visitors and guests to my nudism. Apparently it worked (as it as many times in the past!), the technician entered my home without any hesitation, and didn't seem the least bit nervous during his very brief visit. On the following Tuesday, it was time for my monthly service from the pest control company. It was the first time to my home for this technician, although the I have been a customer for many years. He did call prior to the visit, and I was able to confirm he knew I was nudist, and would be nude when he arrived. Fortunately, the office staff had already advised him, and there were no issues during his visit. Lastly, the next day, Wednesday, I scheduled my bi-annual visit/check-up for my HVAC unit, with a company whom has been very good to me for several years. From the beginning, they have been very understanding and tolerant with my nudity. The technician who provided the service has been to home many times; always very professional and polite.............never showing any problems nor concerns with my nudity.

Hopefully, my successful week will encourage all nudists, especially my fellow group members to remain nude during your next visit!!

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