Someone is impersonating me, using my photos without my permission
The user greeninnature has stolen my pictures from my tumlbr ( ) and has made a profile on this site. I would really like them to take the fake profile down, or I would like this site to take it down. I have already flagged their account multiple times but nothing has been done about it yet.
- 8 years ago
Send a message to TT1
- 8 years ago
The first thing you need to do is back up your statement that you are the person depicted in the pictures. You don't need to prove it to us (members) but to the admins (TT). How would you do this? GET CERTIFIED.
- 8 years ago
Certification - good point. I went to the other profile you mentioned, thinking it would be helpful for multiple people to flag it - then realized I really had no way to know which profile was fake, and held off.
- 8 years ago
I wouldn't rely on certification to, say, put down a rental deposit. But certification, in this case, would put a real photo in the hands of the site owners, something of which the member concerned would certainly be aware. So I'd trust it well enough to invest a flag click, and the site owners would have unambiguous information to act on.
- 8 years ago
The user greeninnature has stolen my pictures from my tumlbr ( ) and has made a profile on this site. I would really like them to take the fake profile down, or I would like this site to take it down. I have already flagged their account multiple times but nothing has been done about it yet.
I see you are now certified. If you put your certification photo in your profile everyone can see the real you. I did a TN member search on greeninnature and it came back with a blank. So greeninnature is no longer a member. I too have a Tumblr account. I know it is very easy to download photos from Tumblr. Once downloaded they can pop up anywhere. Result: you have no control over pictures published in Tumblr. If you have any concirns don't use that site. Personally I don't care what happens to my photos. Everyone around me knows I'm a nudist. BTW I noticed that the photos in your TN profile are both clothed.
- 8 years ago
Yup, s/he's gone. Cool.
- 8 years ago
What if.... for example.. they rejoin, get their profile certified then add all your pics again. Its as easy as that. I'm just pointing out faults in the system.
Most likely the best way to send a copy of your certified in again to show that the other profile is fake.
- 8 years ago
Sorry you came to our community on a bad note sarah. There's tons of good and friendly people here.
- 8 years ago
Sarah; I won't say that someone hasn't used your pics for their own devious purposes, but I am having trouble with the timeline of when you signed up and complained about the stolen pics. I searched for that person when you first posted your complaint and came up empty. In my 8+ years on this site, I have never known TT1 or TT2 to act that fast to delete a profile. You signed up, made a complaint in the Forum, got a member deleted, and had, at that time, about 26 friends. IMHO your post does not pass the smell test. DesertRat.
- 8 years ago
Sarah; I won't say that someone hasn't used your pics for their own devious purposes, but I am having trouble with the timeline of when you signed up and complained about the stolen pics. I searched for that person when you first posted your complaint and came up empty. In my 8+ years on this site, I have never known TT1 or TT2 to act that fast to delete a profile. You signed up, made a complaint in the Forum, got a member deleted, and had, at that time, about 26 friends. IMHO your post does not pass the smell test. DesertRat.
There was one profile which I flagged and produced a ticket for which was taken down very fast, but in this case the profile was from a criminal gang into blackmail and not just stolen photos.
- 8 years ago