Ealry Morning Nude Running
There is a park close to my house that opens early in the morning, at least an hour before the sun comes up. A handful of people use it during the first hour of operation for walking and exercise. There is one area that is nice to run in that I have used several times over the past few years when I get the running bug. The first 20-30 minutes is usually barren of people. Recently, with the weather being nice and cool, I have been shedding my clothes and enjoying some nude running. There have been some shocked faces during the few times I have been briefly seen. A few people seem unfazed once the shock wears off. Has anyone else done this?
- 8 years ago
Yes, I run nude at 0430 during the summer. In central TX it's pretty oppressive with the high humidity and I was running very early to avoid this. I also discovered that it was simply beautiful at this time of day without any cars, and very few people. It is delightful to run nude, it feels like I'm flying. I have a route that is free from streetlights and I discovered that once the eyes adjust, there is plenty of light. The few cars that appear are easy to avoid. The most frequent encounter was with the paper delivery person and they are focused on getting the papers at the right house, not rubbernecking. I did have more than one unexpected meeting with a dog walker but said good morning and kept moving. Then I altered my route to avoid this in the future.
- 7 years ago
I love it too but for the best insurance, take a partner with you. You look less suspectable with a partner. Wife and I ride bikes nude, usually at night along secluded rail trails.
- 7 years ago
Thanks for the tips. I want to run nude outdoors but haven't figured out how to do it. I like your idea of running very early in the morning. Biking might be an option also. Thanks again.
- 7 years ago