January Get Together

Well, here it is already January 15th, unless I get a lot of negative feedback, I am going to proceed with making plans to have us meet again at my house, on January 28th. I will plan to have a pot of chili and a pot of chicken noodle soup ready about 12:00 noon, and would appreciate you bringing your choice of beverage. Hopefully we can eat and later play cards, cribbage, or other games you would like to introduce. Once again my address is 1118 East 33rd Drive(not Street), Kearney. Looking forward seeing all who can be here that day. I would appreciate it if you would either post on here or to my email: grandpag97@yahoo.com

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RE:January Get Together

See you on the 28th.

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RE:January Get Together

I hope to make it too!

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