Cristmas in Fuerteventura

The UK is cold in December so my friend and I set off to Fuerteventura in the Canaries for Christmas. The weather was disappointing for about half our stay but, at 20C it was warm enough to be naked outdoors once we were out of the wind. Our hotel Gran Hotel Natura in Corralejo has a gate direct onto the end of the nudist beach where, incidentally, we parked our hire car. So we could wander out without any clothing, which we did. The beach is 5 miles (8km) long, between the sea and the main road. I'd been naked on it before waving at the passengers in the passing coaches.

I'd allowed my white beard to grow. wearing only my Santa hat I looked just like a naked Santa. When venturing far down the beach a day or two before Christmas we certainly attracted attention from the surfers and other textiles. Some took our photos, for which we posed. There was never an adverse reaction.

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RE:Cristmas in Fuerteventura

We had been told we could be naked anywhere in the hotel, including the restaurant. So we dined naked on the first night. Being the only ones naked we attracted attention. But there was no problem. We also arrived naked on the second night and, whilst we were stood at the bar, someone complained. We were told to cover "it" up. This we did with flimsy wraps which left little to the imagination - a protest. Others asked why we were covered. We told them to which they replied "why complain we are all nudists, aren't we". We dined in Corralejo the next night after a day shopping (fully clothed). Three small children came rushing up shouting Father Christmas. Unfortunately I was hunting for props for a pantomime, those props being amongst the ladies' underwear!

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RE:Cristmas in Fuerteventura

Next day was Christmas Eve. A feast was being prepared for all the guests that evening. And everyone was dressing for dinner. We went into town to get our outfits from the Chinese shop and the market. These comprised some glass ornaments, a Mrs Santa skirt for my friend, some green paint, some bows and some little stick-on baubles. We already had our Santa hats and I had a red bath robe. So to get ready. I trimmed my friend's chest hair into a triangle, panted it green, added bows for the star and baubles. For me there was a chain of green holly leaves with the red glass dots as berries. To comply with the dress code he added the Mrs Santa skirt and I a mini-kilt. We then covered up for our entry (myself using the red robe). They worked well. We were the only ones dressed as Santa and Mrs Santa. When sat we did the reveal - I losing my robe and he his shirt.

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RE:Cristmas in Fuerteventura

In the last photo you can see what we did with the glass ornaments. The evening went brilliantly. The table next to us were very high spirited. Needless to say I milked it every time I passed them on the way to the toilet. A semi striptease with the robe got them going to the point that my every visit to the loo was announced by them. Let's just say it made for great fun and friendship. The main course was venison. As Santa I was served Rudolf first - No presents this year as we'd eaten the reindeer.

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RE:Cristmas in Fuerteventura

Christmas day was a normal day at the hotel. We could join the other nudist round the pool but discovered the weather forecast was better for the south of the island. So off we went to the beaches at Costa Calma. As always we left the hotel naked a nd drove naked to the beach, only donning our wraps to go from the car park to the beach. It did involve passing a big hotel and a surfing school. The beach is long, flat and sandy with a big back water. We sought shelter from the wind next to the cliff behind it. We passed a couple who's only concern was that we might be cold. At the same time we came across some chipmunks. It has become a rule that I go in the sea each Christmas day. This time the sea was a long way out so I contented myself with the back water. It was surprisingly warm.

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RE:Cristmas in Fuerteventura

We drove round the north end of to island on Boxing day, to El Cotillo and beyond. The track is rough in places but leads to some lovely little beaches set in bays. This was a chance to wade into the Atlantic despite the high winds. We eventually reached a bay just north of El Cotillo where we settled down in the shelter of a stone circle. Very soon a lady shouted Hello and within minutes I was getting a naked full body massage. Later we ventured down the west coast to a couple of big beaches. There were no other nudists but that didn't stop us.

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RE:Cristmas in Fuerteventura

The next day was our last. We took the ferry across to Lanzarote to join a workmate and his wife who were holidaying there. It was uneventful. But I did show them the nudist lifestyle at Charco del Palo. It was a chance to get naked in front of my workmate.

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