The Curious Couple

Some years ago I was enjoying being naked with nature on a secluded beach in Florida that attracted nude sunbathers. It was getting towards late afternoon and I decided to walk a bit down the beach before heading home. I went to where the secluded area ended and the portion visited by clothed people began. Knowing I was getting close to an area that could get me into trouble, I decided I needed to turn around and head back up the beach.

Before I changed direction I noticed a clothed young couple, mid-twenties or so, glancing my way. They did not seem offended by my nudity. In my peripheral vision, while walking up the beach and looking over to the calm Atlantic, I would catch the couple following behind me. After almost getting back to my things, I stopped to look at the ocean and enjoy a few extra quiet moments before heading home. I figured if the couple continued walking closer, and knowing I was naked, they must not have a problem with it. Instead of walking around me they walked right up to me. We greeted and they started asking about going nude on the beach. I explained that secluded area was often used by nudists. Even though I suggested they could removed their clothes and enjoy the sensations, they declined. I also told them about Haulover and its being a legal clothing optional beach near Miami. When their curiosity was satisfied we parted ways and I went to gather my things and head home.

I had no feelings of embarrassment being naked with two clothed strangers. My thoughts were just the opposite; I was free and they were the ones imprisoned by their clothing.

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RE:The Curious Couple

I had no feelings of embarrassment being naked with two clothed strangers. My thoughts were just the opposite; I was free and they were the ones imprisoned by their clothing.It is always nice when a clothed couple feels comfortable enough to walk up to you, when you are naked. That's a BIG first step for them. Then they were genuinely interested in the nudist life, and you were able to give them some good information. There just might be a nudist couple in the making there. You just never know. You certainly gave them something to discuss and consider, after seeing you so relaxed and at peace.Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome. By being good ambassadors of nudism we can improve the image of our lifestyle and if not create new nudists, at least educate.

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RE:The Curious Couple

My friend and I often come across clothed people while naked on the beach. They see us relaxed and natural. Some follow our example. We were fascinated by some chipmunks on a beach on Boxing Day, as were another couple, fully dressed. Their only reaction to our nudity was to ask if we were cold.

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RE:The Curious Couple

I had no feelings of embarrassment being naked with two clothed strangers. My thoughts were just the opposite; I was free and they were the ones imprisoned by their clothing.It is always nice when a clothed couple feels comfortable enough to walk up to you, when you are naked. That's a BIG first step for them. Then they were genuinely interested in the nudist life, and you were able to give them some good information. There just might be a nudist couple in the making there. You just never know. You certainly gave them something to discuss and consider, after seeing you so relaxed and at peace.Thanks for sharing.You're welcome. By being good ambassadors of nudism we can improve the image of our lifestyle and if not create new nudists, at least educate.

I agree, I don't see any harm in talking to people in similar situations about nudism. We've had similar approaches from people at nudist beaches, official and unofficial, asking us if its OK to be nude there/why we are nudists/what we like about being nudists etc

Through being confident and unashamed of our own nudity when approached by clothed people like this we can help to impress on others that there is nothing wrong with social nudity.

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RE:The Curious Couple

I've posted my experiences with this type of situation, at our nude beach, before. It's not been uncommon for me to walk up to clothed or bathing suit clad couples or females visiting our nude beach and talk with them. I never stand over them but stand beside them or kneel or take my towel and sit a few feet from them and introduce myself and ask them various questions to get an idea of why they would come to a nude section of that beach and remain covered. I've had success in getting some to remove their suits and then thank me for getting them to try it and I've also had others that just got up and left before we were done talking or after we were done talking.

With couples, it's usually the female that is hesitant. I always offer my wife to talk with the female of the couple to answer questions she might have and get a first hand female point of view. Sometimes is works, sometimes not. But I've never had any problem with being naked at our beach and talking with those that are clothed or covered. Most times, many of these people are just trying to figure out the routine, etiquette, the do's and don'ts.

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