Scrub-a-Bud at the spa!

Billy! We copied your lead at the spa yesterday. How you give body scrubs and baths to the gang there.

Well, we had a smaller group yesterday. Me and two young African buds. Back scrubs and soapy foot massages. In open washing areas. Laughing and joking all the while. My feet! Walking on air afterwards.

Not sexual, but camaraderiely sensual. Just as you do it, Billy. Ok, not as well as you do it. LOL. But, the point is the Koreans have a wonderful therapeutic tradition of friend-scrubs.

Westerners would do well do adopt same when at spas. Keep it respectful, follow the Koreans' polite admirable tradition to build and cement that camaraderie.

And walk on air. Delightful! Thanks, Billy!!!

Anyone else do same? Let's bring the tradition here. Namaste.

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RE:Scrub-a-Bud at the spa!

Skinship is kinship, Billy! Well said! Thank you!!

PS. I enjoy a shampoo, regardles the limited state of my headtop hirsuitness. :-)

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RE:Scrub-a-Bud at the spa!

And ditto, Steph! Watch the other Great Apes social groom. It's in our genes. (I don't mean to degrade the other apes by comparing them to sad aspects of western culture. . ;-))

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RE:Scrub-a-Bud at the spa!

So pleased too, Steph!! Your honesty and intelligence great contributions here.! I've a theory on your observations. Well, formulating rules to predict human behavior. Two aspects. First. Evolution. Can be further divided into horizontal gene transfer and vertical gene transfer mechanisms. An unholy alliance. Each trying to succeed without the other. But forever locked in successful competition. That competitive:collaborative warring union explains your observations in the Army and after. At this point, it's time for a beer. Much too serious for actual learning. LOL. Nude best in our quest!! Pirate!!

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RE:Scrub-a-Bud at the spa!

T Let us not forget that just before the last supper (last passover) started, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples (John13:1-12) . Washing and scrubbing a friend can be a humbling heart felt action that truly shows brotherhood. Know you are not alone, come out to the Korean bathhouse and experience the brotherhood.

Not only did Jesus wash his fiends' feet, he also stripped to dry each one off: "So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples feet, drying them with the towel he had around him. I consider that a form of male bonding we can emulate.

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RE:Scrub-a-Bud at the spa!

Andy and Billy! Amazing. I recall reading that as a kid, but it didn't dawn on me until you two raised the point. Yup, Jesus sure as heck loved his buds and would wash their feet to show it. Wow!! Powerful reverence. Thank you!!!

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RE:Scrub-a-Bud at the spa!

I've gotten one of the body scrubs from the Korean man there, and it's wonderful! It was worth the extra cost! I'd like to join you up there at Spa World on February 25th. I've been 4 times already, and enjoyed it every time. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous the first time, but after 10 minutes, no problem. May I please get a scrub from someone?

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