A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

It only takes a couple warm days in the winter, for lynn and I to hurry and get outside. This weekend we have experienced upper 70s and beautiful blue skies in the middle of January. So what does that mean? It means that we are spending every waking moment that we possibly can outside.

Hopefully you can find away did this yourself. Enjoy the moments when you get them.


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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

We have frezing rain to day on top of snow the other day the most I got outside nude was getting morning paper wish spring was here

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

It's really cold here too. My outdoor nudity is limited to a quick streak to the garage for something. I'm looking forward to Summer.

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

We have frezing rain to day on top of snow the other day the most I got outside nude was getting morning paper wish spring was here

Now that is serious commitment :)

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

Would love to change location s with you if just for a day I miss my time spent outdoors nude lol

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

You must grab the chance to be nude outdoors when ever you can and enjoy every minute, cold or not.

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

While during the past few months it has been too cold for my morning swim I am able to take my shower outside. Lately it has warmed up enough later in the day so I can ride my trike to the mailbox nude.

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

George I thought the pool was heated there. Been dying to get back down there. Soon. real Soon.

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

Did get an hour or so the other day in the yard. Best way to start off your tan anyway. Bit by Bit. Would be out there today but my one son's girlfriend is living with us and here today and the other son is bringing his girlfriend over now. And tomorrow is suppose to rain. Another day perhaps.

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

You should live in South Florida where I'm at. It's warm nude weather all winter except for a few chilly days ;)

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RE:A Couple Warm Days in the Winter.

We are loving the warm, but we make do on the chilly days too. This weekend we spent most of the days outside working in the yard. Working on getting that fully private Back Yard, so nude and outdoors is always an option.

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