Downfalls of gardening nude

I am relatively new to Social nudity but have been naked for many years and love to do my gardening in the nude . Yesterday for the first time after working around the house moving plants trimming stuff I came in the house and realize the head of my penis had a red welt on it . Now I live in Florida and there's lots of bugs critters and plant still like to buy staying in irritate you so I have no idea what it was and it's not the first time that I've had red welts on my body from plants just never on my genitals !!! What's your craziest nude gardening story?

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RE:Downfalls of gardening nude

Yup I know what you mean your stuff because I love hanging out in the yard by the fire but sometimes the bugs are just too much

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RE:Downfalls of gardening nude

Hi , Just joined the group, I like gardening and doing ouitside chores nude, there is a huge difrence between wearing cloths while gardening and not, there are obvous hazards and one has to be more carefull nude as apose to being clothed, its very enjoyable and the sence of freedom is just great......

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RE:Downfalls of gardening nude

I find that I am automatically more careful when gardening (or doing anything) naked with the result that naked gardening is probably safer for me than clothed gardening.

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RE:Downfalls of gardening nude

Have to be careful gardening here in Phoenix!! Most native plants to the Sonoran desert have thorns or are very sharp edged...and you really have to watch out for the cacti !! OUCH. Got a lot of cacti needles in my rear end when I bent over to trim another plant...just a little too close...oops!! Luckily I had my other half to pull them all out with tweezers. Only did that once!!

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RE:Downfalls of gardening nude

Yes nude gardening is a bigger problems with some plants/weeds and so you have to be more careful with them.

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RE:Downfalls of gardening nude

Florida is also full of sharp pointy cacti and agave I think what got me this time is the sap from my Plumaria tree

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