why do textile people feel so intimidated
Why do textile folks think we are so far off balance? I mean lets face it since everyone of us were young we were curious to see naked people, it feels better, its more enjoyable and we were born that way. we enjoy being nude with people around or at home, we dont mind people looking at us even though we are not much to see anymore, Modesty but Curious? Not a single person I know would turn their heads quickly if someone was naked, but at the same time they all say oh I couldnt do that, We have close friends who say that but always ask questions about nudism
- 8 years ago
My neighbor cought me a couple of times , once I ran out to my car to grab my phone and then she cought me getting my paper both time she waved hi it was like a day latter I saw her out so figured I go talk to her hope she was not offended she told me she did not have a problem but was surprised I was so ununhibited and she is in her mid 70s
- 8 years ago
When we started going to camps, so many years ago, told many textile friends about the places we visited. They all said, sounds like an awesome place maybe we can all go together. Then mentioned it was nude, and the conversation about joining in abruptly stopped ! The looks were priceless, haha. Hell we were 32 yrs younger, if ya get the drift. No good reason not to join in but love them all the same.
- 8 years ago
I know I have shared this before, but when we lived out in the country in Missouri, my neighbor caught me on the back porch nude drinking my morning coffee!! She stumbled all over herself apologizing!! Well the next morning she was sitting on my bench nude!! My wife was out town and so was her husband!!Come to find out Beth was a closet nudist!! Whenever our spouses would leave town we enjoyed each others company!! But as to answer why are they intimidated is because they may not have ever opened up their mind to nudity!! My first wife and my present wife, were and are intimidated by my nudity!! They thought and think nudity is all about sex!!
- 8 years ago
Why do textile folks think we are so far off balance? I mean lets face it since everyone of us were young we were curious to see naked people, it feels better, its more enjoyable and we were born that way. we enjoy being nude with people around or at home, we dont mind people looking at us even though we are not much to see anymore, Modesty but Curious? Not a single person I know would turn their heads quickly if someone was naked, but at the same time they all say oh I couldnt do that, We have close friends who say that but always ask questions about nudism
Most close friends know we're nudists, life is much simpler through being open about our preference for living naked, we can talk about where we've been if it was a nudist weekend trip without pretending it was somewhere else! Close friends accept as for who we are, those we don't know us so well are more likely to be the ones asking lots of questions about nudism. We don't mind them seeing us naked either, if not in person then they'll probably see the photos dotted around our home from various nudist trips.
I'm not sure if its our actual nudity that can intimidate the less confident ones as much as the openness and confidence that they may encounter from both ourselves and our nudist friends when we're naked in their company, or even when we're all required to be dressed. Among reasons that nudists often give for enjoying our way of life is the increased self-confidence that social nudity can bring, and how much more open our relationships are with nudist friends compared to even our longest-term textile friends. We hide nothing physically from each other in nudist situations and it seems to follow that we hide far less mentally too.
- 8 years ago
Why do textile folks think we are so far off balance? I mean lets face it since everyone of us were young we were curious to see naked people, it feels better, its more enjoyable and we were born that way. we enjoy being nude with people around or at home, we dont mind people looking at us even though we are not much to see anymore, Modesty but Curious? Not a single person I know would turn their heads quickly if someone was naked, but at the same time they all say oh I couldnt do that, We have close friends who say that but always ask questions about nudism
My opinion; the vast majority of folks can't separate nudity from sex. If you're naked, it must be sexual. If you're going to a place with lots of other naked people, it must be some kind of orgy. Many of these people have the fear of being judged, snickered at, made fun of or leered at because of personal body image or they feel they don't measure up to those they think, visit these places.
The vast majority of society aren't nudists. For so many, joining our ranks would put them in a category that has taken a path away from mainstream and it's difficult for so many to join that path and be singled out. They'd rather be part of the pack, go unnoticed, blend in and not do anything that would make them stand out. They see us and see themselves and wonder why or how we could be naked all the time and be naked with other naked people and not feel the same way they do. Because they could never do that, we must be off balance, as it their way of life is the norm.
Modesty is one thing for many of our friends. To see each other naked, is embarrassing for most of our friends but I know they are curious about nudism. They do ask questions from time to time but if and when we begin to explain our lifestyle and what and where we go, they begin to get embarrassed and joke. We find it strange that some of these friends will say things that lead us to believe that they have tried living nude or live nude on occasion but to discuss it with us, doesn't go very far due to modesty.
- 8 years ago
The opposite, i.e. why do some textile people do not feel intimidated, seems to be more interesting.
In my own experience I've found that older people appear to be more tolerant and far less intimidated.
Earlier this year our auntie, who's to become 71, stayed with us for short of a month. Not that she isn't adorable and easy going and a great company but my home nudity was largely curtailed, until I decided enough is enough. Close to her leaving, one night when wifey wasn't at home I offered her tea to her room upstairs and did it naked, asking her: "If my nudity offends you in any way tell me so to cover up." To my complete awe and delight she replied: "Not at all; I've been around nudist friends and acquaintances in Baja [where she lives] and I don't mind." And she added jokingly laughing: "Just don't ask me to get naked too!", leaving it to my imagination that she might consider doing it had I asked... I only wished I had asked her from the beginning. Wife's reaction when she saw me naked with her was: "Arent you ashamed that auntie is seeing you naked?" Before I could answer, auntie's reply to her was a shocker to both: "Why's that? Haven't YOU seen him naked before?", stating that for her nudity is natural, even if that's something she wouldn't do, and leaving my wife unarmed in her intents for me to dress up.
More recently my wife was making a fuss that I started to get naked at home around our 2 maids who come in 3 days a week. One is circa 50, the other about 30. Older was startled at first but has since then acted naturally whereas the younger was and is still clearly shocked, turning around to avoid looking at me. I asked the older one yesterday: "Does it bother you that I'm naked around you?" She said: "No, I don't mind, I know you're not an exhibionist and I that you have no sexual intents. Otherwise I would have already told you "come on, sir, what's this about?" and asked you to behave properly." With such clarity, I only had to add: "Yes, I'm nudist and I enjoy being naked whenever it's appropriate."; also my wife finally has given up now.
- 8 years ago
Personally I can't or choose not to test the waters like that. Yes I feel like my skin is crawling so to speak with extended company and want to say the heck with it. I just nixed a retired relative from a self invited extended stop over. He just left his sisters house after a 2 month visit. I think I would have shot myself.
- 8 years ago
I don't think I would test the waters that way either. I only get naked where I know it's acceptable. It is usually amongst a lot of textiles. Even though my friend(s) and I may be the only ones naked we never get a bad reaction. Maybe older men are less intimidating (poor things we're past it!). BTW Everyone around me knows of my nudism and will chat about it but that does not mean they want to see me naked around my village - well one or two might.
- 8 years ago
Personally I can't or choose not to test the waters like that. Yes I feel like my skin is crawling so to speak with extended company and want to say the heck with it. I just nixed a retired relative from a self invited extended stop over. He just left his sisters house after a 2 month visit. I think I would have shot myself.
You and me both Rock! My sister in law came to visit during the Christmas holiday. I was all set for a 3 night stay ... she stayed 8 nights and I was going crazy! Not only because I was having to remain clothed or covered but she's just a Royal PITA! LOL
We have nudist friends that live in Canada. They come a long way to visit and I understand that but they want to come and stay for a minimum of 10 days. Because they can't be or live naked at their home, as we do here at home, they want maximum naked time ... and that's understandable. The problem is, they don't want to ever leave the house or property! We've invited them to our club, we've suggested a resort about an hour away. All they want to do is remain naked and remain in our house or in the backyard. Drives us nuts ... so we limit their stays to 3-4 days. Long way to come for a short period but I couldn't take being cooped up in the house or in the backyard for that long.
With regards to testing the waters with a relative ... I've done this, sort of, with my sister in law during her visit. I just wore my medium weight robe. She seemed okay with it but I wasn't about to let it fly open or expose myself to get some, hopeful, positive reaction. During a brief stay at her new home in AZ, she caught me naked in the hallway. She seemed okay with it and I appreciate it but having her here creates more issues than whether or not she would accept our nudist lifestyle. Her being fine with seeing me naked at her house and not making an issue of me in my robe, is enough to ask for ... and shorter visits! :D
- 8 years ago
I have to agree with AndyDi. People have been taught since children to associate nudity with sex. A child walks into the living room naked and the first thing the parents say is, "Go put some clothes on! You should be ashamed of yourself!" It is this kind of conditioning, repeated over and over again that has made everyone so uptight about being naked even when there is nobody else in the house.
I think nudist are people that must be thinking outside the box. Nudist have asked the question, "Why?", "Why should I be ashamed of myself?" Once you grapple with this question long enough you realize it doesn't make any sense. The next thing to do is test your new found theory by being nude by yourself for extended periods of time around the house doing laundry or other chores or just drinking a cup of coffee after your shower in the morning. Little by little you realize how wrong the textiles are about body shame.
- 8 years ago