warm enough to wear shorts

Love it when I can wear shorts instead of jeans. Warm enough today to get the shorts out. Free balling is so much better in shorts than jeans

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

It wasn't real warm around here yesterday, but it was sunny and I took advantage of it. I went on a 2 mile run - freeballing of course! It went well except that I shrunk up like crazy! When i got home I decided finish my workout naked. Happy to say that helped to grow everything back to normal. :)

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Rarely freeball when wearing long pants, which are usually jeans. Maybe the thought it's colder makes me subconsciously feel the need for the extra layer.

In warmer weather, when wearing shorts, it's freeballing! Lately, due to lifestyle change, it's mostly jean shorts. Most of those sold are longer and baggier than I like to wear. Therefore, I take regular jeans and make them into shorts.

As an aside, when I played golf (mediocrely), I'd bet nobody in our regular foursome had any idea there was a freeballer in the group. Maybe there was more than one!

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Nice morning out thought I do some yard work in my shorts , I started to rebuild a rock wall we had one neighbor comes over to chat then his wife comes over to say hi I was squatting down working then I relize I was hangin out a bit not sure if they saw after a bit I stood up and we kept chatting

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

It is not warm enough to wear shorts on Cape Cod yet. I went fishing yesterday, wearing sweatpants and sweatshirt. But what I really wait for is when it is warm enough to go to our local nude beach.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Well good mixed weather as some days trousers are needed, and other days shorts and some days both with some gardening days the shorts come off as well.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

I enjoy it when I can go in shorts. I have a pair that use to have a mesh liner but I cut it out so now I just free ball it. And it feels great. Especially when I 'm chatting with the neighbors I get a bit of a rush. I don't think anyone has found out yet. Though we did have a 4th of July party once where I just wore a long T-shirt and nothing else. I might have to do that again some time.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

May 21 , 2017 . Has been warm enough to be wearing shorts , and the lack of them , to the beach a few times this Spring . Always naked under them , and drop the shorts as soon as I can . Problem here in Michigan has been the Wind .

Picks up the sand and can give you a nice sandblasting if you're not careful . Besides covering your beach towel with a fine layer of sand . Not enough to discourage being naked at the beach though . Now just waiting for warm sunny weather to again return here on Lake Michigan . Steve

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Here in the south it is possible to wear shorts nine months out of the year. I know some who do even longer, but I am cold natured and need extra warmth when the winter weather is here.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

The 10 minutes of warm weather that we had last month seems to be returning, and if the forecasts are right (yeah right) it's gonna be hear at least until the end of the month.

Yesterday we had a nice day without it being too warm, but was warm enough to garden in shorts. While I was doing the strimming (weed whacking) it was shorts and wellys and then shorts and crocs. I don't wear undies, and all my shorts have the lining / mesh removed so I'm as free as I can be and still be *decent*. Of course when I was out of sight, which I am in parts of our back garden, the shorts came off too :-)

Thankfully, my neighbours don't chat very often so we weren't bothered by them at all.

The down side to all this is that while we're having all of this beautiful weather we're going to have house guests for two weeks. So rather than more naked time I'll have less. Never mind, it's still nice to see them

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

The best shorts for freeballing in that I have acquired is a pair of tan-through swim shorts (the shortest variety) two sizes bigger than the recommended size.
They are beautifully light to wear - almost as good as nothing at all.

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