RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Getting cool so I have to wear long slacks outdoors but rarely wear long pants at home even in winter.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Getting cool so I have to wear long slacks outdoors but rarely wear long pants at home even in winter.

You're lucky. It's been too cold for shorts here for 2 months now :(

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

In the three summers since I retired I have gone several weeks at a time without wearing long pants several times.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

If the temperature's above about 40F (4C), I'll usually wear shorts (unless I know I'll be outside for a long time). I really dislike the confinement of trousers. No underwear either way - also too confining.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

I never wear underwear. Jeans, shorts, trousers, suit, whatever I'm always freeballing.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Too bad its not warm enough to wear shorts here now. This summer I bought a pair of mesh short and cut out the liner. At first I was a bit shy wearing them in public but I eventually overcame my shyness and I wear them out in public more often. I just bought a pair of soffe shorts and cut out the liner and from certain angles you could see through them. I cant wait for the weather to warm up so I can wear them in public.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

Getting cool so I have to wear long slacks outdoors but rarely wear long pants at home even in winter.

With the current cold spell, I am usually wearing long pants in the house too.
Chill seems to be coming through the closed windows.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

It was 30C yesterday here and 39C for the next 2 days, my boys will be free to hang as low as they go. Too hot to wear anything really.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

When it's shorts in public weather it no underwear too. Shorts and freeballing / a.k.a "going commando" just makes sense.

The weather here has been hot so it's ideal and yes it feels better in shorts that jeans, must be the air up the leg openings giving the boys some breathing space.

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RE:warm enough to wear shorts

I freeball in loose shorts and have found that when cycling there is the occasional unplanned emergence down one leg.
However my preferred cycling garb is a light wrap and this sometimes blows open when cycling.

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