New parties

Well, seems like a lot of folks are disappointed with the current two party system in our country. I am going to propose a new three party system. First, let's have the True Nudist party, and I nominate our sister Pearl to be the candidate (Naked with her! Nuder together!). The second one would be the Keg Party (Make America drunk again!). The third was proposed by the world's most interesting man, and is the most important one - the After party. Stay thirsty my friends (and keep a sense of humor!). So now we can have some new choices, and hopefully a few smiles!

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RE:New parties

PIP would certainly be the one to lead the True Nudist Party.
She is a natural for posing for all the photo ops!

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RE:New parties

I have to agree with that. Most nudist I have met are trustworthy. They aren't out to line their pockets and not just because they don't have any. You also never see a nudist robbing a bank or hijacking a car. Just doesn't happen.

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RE:New parties

Yes mate you do need an alternative to the Democrats and the Republicans

What a great idea to have a True Nudist Party with Pearl as the Presidential candidate especially as she would definitely do the entire campaign nude and of course all of her support staff would be nude too and the volunteers in the office.

Imagine being on their campaign bus with everyone nude there would be nothing to hide then and even your Presidential debates would be worth watching with Pearl doing it all nude too.

The mainstream media would have to relax their censorship otherwise Pearl would not get fair coverage

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RE:New parties

Pearl Amen to your good news. Our King is coming first to Jerusalem and then His government will increase without end. He will not be voted into office nor can He be removed from office, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Great observation on your part.

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