RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

Allways use a towel when around the house or outside

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

Always makes sense!

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

All hail the butt towel. I keep one in my vehicle, use one at home, and have plenty for guests

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

I do believe it about personal hygiene. Body oils can soil fabrics and I believe that even as clean as we can be there is a good use to sitting on a towel. Especially in someone else's home or back yard. I keep my body very clean and don't feel a bit uncomfortable about sitting on a couch or chair nude, but we never know. So I just like to be considerate.

Interesting conversation and one of the biggest concerns from the textile crowd. There seems to be two different takes on this and the answer appears to be a combination of keeping your butt clean and using a towel where necessary. I am a fastidious clean freak body wise and I think most nudist would be more in tuned to the cleanliness of their bottom side. (I haven't left a skid mark since I was potty trained.) I also agree with Carla about body oils and fabrics. Most of my furniture is leather so the answer is "it depends". If you have a nude guest, then yes by all means, offer a towel for your peace of mind as well as theirs. You know the condition of your bottom, you don't know the condition of theirs.

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

It depends on the person and the setting - some people "leak" more than others, and it's often circumstantial. The towel rule is clearly a good general practice, but I don't treat it as a hard and fast rule at home including for my friends, but the places I sit regularly have something easily washable in place.

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

I think I am also a 'cleanliness freak' as are a few of my nudist friends. Another issue, is that Textiles who use public transport or cafes and restaurants, have no idea of who has sat on the seat earlier and left sticky fingers, icecream or chocolate etc behind. (excuse the pun). We have light coloured fabric chair covering in the house and they are starting to look very shabby from Textiles! So a towel is ALWAYS a wise idea.

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

When you talk about the towels that nudist carry around with them to sit on, how do you know which side they had against their bottom at the last stop? Could be defeating the purpose if it gets flipped around each time. LOL!

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

When you talk about the towels that nudist carry around with them to sit on, how do you know which side they had against their bottom at the last stop? Could be defeating the purpose if it gets flipped around each time. LOL!

Good observation. However, a bare bottom, even if clean, can act like a suction cup on smooth surfaces such as leather or vinyl. Unless you're hopelessly germophobic, that towel adds another layer of sanitation.

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

I could not agree more :-)

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RE:Nudity and towels - Nonpublic settings

i have thought about this "which side up" issue before. my plan, should i ever open my own nudist B&B, would be to offer guests a two-toned towel, one side darker than the other. say blue: light blue on one side and dark blue on on the other. (wouldn't work so well with black, of course.) then each person would be on for remembering which side for them is "up" and which side is "down." were there more nudists who needed such a solution, there would be a market for such towels i would think.

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