Acting (not)

We have a working farm visitor with us now who has seemed pretty shy about nudity, although as always they've been on notice about our casual nudity. With some hesitation, I've been naked after showering, and for water-involved work in the barn. The visitor has been documenting their visit with short videos, and the other day asked me if I would be in one, as an actor with a line or two. More hesitation - I told them my acting experience was limited to being pulled out of a crowd scene in a high school play and told to sit down - but I agreed. And then I was asked - "Do you mind being dressed as you are?" Which is to say, not dressed at all. OK...

So we did the video, I said my one line, awkwardly, and gave permission for the video to go onto social media. And the next day my partner quietly told me that our visitor had edited the video, and my little part had been cut: "Steve can't act."

Well, hey. No major embarrassment there - that's something I already knew. At least now I know that the visitor must be reasonably comfortable with my nudity, if not my line reading.

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RE:Acting (not)

At least you tried! And you gave them fair warning of your acting abilities. Wouldn't mind a working visit sometime.

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RE:Acting (not)

Like Steve, I've hosted lots of young workers on my farm. My experience is that about 20% of them are "no way do I want to be around naked people", about 60% are "you can do whatever you want just don't expect me to get naked", and 20% are "cool, can I go naked too?". An interesting tidbit is that almost all of the people in the last category are females. Several people started out as "no way" and quickly became converts.

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RE:Acting (not)

Well, the visitor may have had some hesitation about the fact that your acting part involved other "parts" that they didn't want to present to the general public. I wouldn't assume that it was your acting ability that caused the cut (unless you were told point-blank). And your performance is archived for private consumption! Oh, some of the greatest stuff ends up on the cutting room floor :-).

Anyway, sounds like the visitor made some progress with casual nudity. Cool post.

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