This is short notice but... I am headed to the river tomorrow, Saturday April 22, and would enjoy some company .
The site is east of Tate, GA on GA HWY 53 about 15 minutes and about an hour 20 minutes from ATL. When you cross the river, there is parking on the left, although I usually park on the side of the road on the right for shade. I can meet up with anyone wanting to go around noon. I'll be in a brown Toyota sedan. If you arrive later, you can catch up.
Technically, you are supposed to have a DNR pass to use the area, but I've never seen a ranger there.
There is a stairway at the end of the parking lot that takes you down to the river. Turn left and go under the bridge. Continue on the wooden pathway until it ends. There will be people there on towels and inner tubes playing and picnicking on the rocks. Continue to follow the trail, now a dirt footpath. Stay close to the river. Go about another 100 yards. You will be out of the sight of the people on the rocks. You can strip down and enjoy the river.
You will need sturdy sneakers for the trek down there and water shoes for walking in the river. Drinking Water is also needed and I've taken a couple beers and a sandwich down there as well. Carry out what you carry in. And you can carry out all the gold you can find in the river.
- 8 years ago