I did it!

Today my dog and I went to The Ledges in Wilmington VT. I was a bit nervous, walked around, passed two naked guys, walked all the way till I saw a sign saying to wear clothes then walked halfway back to a secluded spot and took my clothes off. I sunbathed a bit, dipped my feet in the water, it was very nice. basically no one was around. I was kinda unclear where it was cool to be nude where its not, but i'll definitely be back.... But yeah, thats my story.

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RE:I did it!

Doing nude dog walking is such a good feeling and will be doing this again this summer across the fields near where I live.

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RE:I did it!

We've only been to the Ledges once, but I thought I remembered a sign that marked the beginning of the nude area. Once you pass the sign (which was pretty far back in the woods, so you don't have to wait until you are near the water), you can be nude.

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RE:I did it!

I've been there a few times but not for a couple of years now but I do remember getting naked as soon as I saw that sign in the woods and not getting dressed again until I got to that sign again.

We've only been to the Ledges once, but I thought I remembered a sign that marked the beginning of the nude area. Once you pass the sign (which was pretty far back in the woods, so you don't have to wait until you are near the water), you can be nude.

I never saw such a sign, just the one telling you you are leaving the nude area. Maybe it fell down or something or maybe I just totally missed it.

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RE:I did it!

Hello, I did it yesterday for the first time in my life! Wow, wow, wow! I had it listed on my bucket list. So happy I was able to accomplish this daring feat. The only nudist camp here in Rhode Island was looking for volunteers to clean up the camp before their start date next month. I offered my services last weekend but did not strip; however, about 15 others did but I was still nervious. Well, yesterday, I went back for another try and after about an hour of raking, I went nude!!!!!!! It was so nice, and no one laughed, thats the best part!

Anyhow, I just wanted to let the world know that I have scratched off another bucket list item at 67 years young!

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RE:I did it!

As you walk in there is a small stream you have to cross the sign is just past that any where past is good although along the shore its best to stay to the north side of the point in other words not on the side that has a clear view of the park and area before the stream. Many new comers make the mistake of venturing farther along the shore (north) to find more privacy not knowing it tends to be more of a gay area

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