World Naked Gardening Day

One week from today ( May 6th) is World Naked Gardening Day. So what are all of you doing to celebrate?

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I'm with you sans every day in Florida is a naked gardening day I'm getting ready to pick my sweet banana peppers

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

Looks like it is going to be plenty cold with no sun as well for nude gardening where I live and I will only be home in the evening when the temperature starts dropping fast.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

Looks like the forecast is a little too cold here. If the sun is able to shine on me then I might be able to. Monday looks like it will be much nicer. I think it would great to have a naked gardening party.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

If it's warm enough (doubtful at this point), we'll be planting the rest of our herbs and asparagus and getting the rest of the garden ready for tomatoes, beans and cucumbers later in the month.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

It's usually pretty cold still at that time of the year here, and they are currently forecasting cold and rainy for Saturday. The good news is that every nice day is World Naked Gardening Day for me.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

It's usually pretty cold still at that time of the year here, and they are currently forecasting cold and rainy for Saturday. The good news is that every nice day is World Naked Gardening Day for me.

Well this is also for me when it is warm enough it is 6 evenings and 1 full day nude gardening days a week.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

One week from today ( May 6th) is World Naked Gardening Day. So what are all of you doing to celebrate?

Well, up here I will be turning up the heat so I can be naked indoors, watching it rain sideways (strong winds, you know). We don't plant anything until after June 1. I've been grooming the garden a bit, jeans and a few layers on top. But I hope you have great sunny warm times to garden naked!

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

it's been great weather here and been working hard most of week cleaning up yard debris clothed :( but on the 6th i'll get out back to do some nude gardening i have a few places where i can be nude without upsetting neighbors behind me.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

I do a lot of yard work, landscaping, ornamental planting management around the stable while nude. BUT, this Saturday a high of 61 deg, windy and intermittent rain is predicted. I'm not one to 'celebrate' special days anyway. I'm nude as much and as often as situations allow any day.

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RE:World Naked Gardening Day

It is a cold, rainy World Naked Gardening Day in Pittsburgh. Nonetheless, is there anyone around the Pittsburgh area that would like to have some company to enjoy it? If so, send an email to

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