I'm gettin there...

I'm not quite there yet but I've always felt a lot more comfortable hanging out with people that are significantly older than me. I Could never seem to properly relate to people younger or even the same age as me...

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RE:I'm gettin there...

Sounds great that you're comfortable hangin' out with older folks. Having lived a good number of years, seniors are generally open to others views and values, quite willing to listen. Now that I'm a senior, that also works, for me, in reverse--I'm comfortable being around and having discussions with guys your age as well. Of course, since we're all nudists, nakedness is the great equalizer that crosses all age and cultural barriers, welcome to the Group.

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RE:I'm gettin there...

I say you should associate with people you feel comfortable with Older, younger, gay straight, nudist or (heaven forbid) textile. Lol. Bottom line is to never apologize for who or what you enjoy, just be kind

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