Playalinda 5/16

I"m planning on going to Playalinda on 5/16. I've been to Apollo many times, but this will be my first visit to Playalinda, and my first non-weekend visit to either beach. I'm guessing both factors will mean an easier time with parking. Seems like based on comments here and from others in the know, it should be a similar, yet different, experience. Just glad to have some time in the sun! (...and hoping the weather forecast doesn't change!)

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  • 8 years ago
RE:Playalinda 5/16

So as planned, I visited Playalinda today. Since this topic comes up more than once, I figured I'd chime in on how it's similar and different from Apollo. BTW, I haven't seen this brought up yet: the price is now $10 a car. An annual pass is only $40. I'll be going that route.
Of course the biggest difference is what most mention - that is, the parking. The lots are so much closer in Playalinda, and there are quite a few more spots. That being said, when I left today around noon, there were people circling the lot, and I made one couple very happy when I freed up my spot. So either way, you have to plan on getting there early, or getting lucky. But the "backup" plan of parking at lot 12 and walking up seems to be much more viable than doing the same thing at Apollo.
I was surprised to see that at Playalinda as soon as people took the first step off the walkway to the beach they were nude. At Apollo people tend to go down a bit before getting undressed. And the other difference at the entrance was people were nude on either side of the boardwalk. At Apollo I've rarely seen anyone nude north of the boardwalk.
Another difference is the "back country." I've not ever seen anyone go beyond the back country sign at Apollo, but there were quite a few people beyond the sign today. Maybe it's because the beach isn't as long?
They both have similar beach conditions, and I love that both of them make you feel right at home with nature. The primitive setting is just right for me. I'm fine bringing all my own water, etc.
All in all, a great experience today. Apollo will likely still be my "default" beach, but I will definitely be visiting Playalinda again. I was very impressed. Oh, one more difference, that in my opinion gives Playalinda an advantage: the drive out. To get to Apollo you drive through New Smyrna Beach and then all the way down A1A past all the beachfront resorts. At Playalinda, after a short drive through Titusville you enjoy a more primitive drive through the wetlands with awesome NASA views in the distance. I liked the drive better, even though it is farther for me.

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  • 8 years ago