
Yah right; not something that's all that common, and I'd say extremely rare for anyone to do it without normal work wear making them hot in hot weather. I've done plenty of it in nothing but gym shorts, and I think I did a little naked once when I had the mill back in the woods. But I sold the mill and put together a different one that's not so mobile. I plan on selling it and buying another easily portable mill. Then I'll run it where I can do it fully naked a good bit.

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  • 8 years ago


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  • 8 years ago

Interesting, yes. So where do you get the timber you're milling? Cut trees that you own? Or buy them on the open market? And what do you do with the lumber you mill? Sell it? Use it yourself? Is this a hobby? Or profession? Just curious......
Seems to me you'd need work gloves and eye protection. Maybe steel toe flip flops. Beyond that though, I think naked should work fine for sawmilling.

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  • 8 years ago

I'm gonna try naked arc welding.

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  • 8 years ago

I'm gonna try naked arc welding.

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  • 8 years ago

I'm gonna try naked arc welding.

Which process, MIG, TIG or stick rod welding? All three of these is a form of arc welding. So which one will it be? What machine do you have? Are you just going to be running beads, or actually building something useful?

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  • 8 years ago

we have 80 acres of timbered mountainside, no shortage of trees to saw. Been selling them for a living for 30 years a few at a time. I've sawed all our own building lumber and sold some as well.

I've done a lot of welding too. But I'd recommend no more than a few minutes of it naked because it can create a bad sunburn real fast. The sparks can be a bit irritating but not too bad of ya don't get yer self too close, or not doing heavy welding with high amperage. AC and DC stick welding is what i've done most of.

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  • 8 years ago

I'm gonna try naked arc welding.

I too was going to warn about the "sunburn" got mine while welding in just a short sleeved shirt. It was bad enough on just the arms. I'd hate to think of what it might do to more sensitive parts.

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  • 8 years ago

you know how some humans are, they have to try just about anything at least once. I was watching skydiving videos where they used wing suits, always using a parachute of course. One guy just had to prove it was possible to land without one. He did it successfully at an airport with gigantic amounts of padding to land on. I would have told him he was stupid, not worth risking one's life just to prove a little thing like that which isn't going to make any difference anyway.

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  • 8 years ago

I would do nude sawmill work if I had the chance as to me it is just as safe as with cloths on. Welding could be done nude if there was a black heavy duty material between the work and you to stop the ark burn on your body, yes welding mask, gloves etc will still be needed.

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  • 8 years ago

Naked arc welding..... It was meant as sarcasm.

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  • 8 years ago