Nude Swiming

That's how I learned to swim at the Boys Club of Washington DC in the 1940's a 50"s.

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RE:Nude Swiming

And there's nothing wrong with the way you were taught. I wish I learned the same way!

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RE:Nude Swiming

I agree 100%

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RE:Nude Swiming


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RE:Nude Swiming

I taught boys swimming as a HS kid and thru college as a team coach.
Those were not nude classes, but at least boys did not have the phobia that makes them want to wear PANTS to swim.
It is a lot easier to learn the correct form and swim without the encumbrance of dragging swim attire.
Maybe the YMCA had the right idea all along.

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RE:Nude Swiming

Having separate times to swim would be like turning the clock back but it would be interesting.

The Sea baths in Melbourne had either separate sections or separate times and that worked but it was many years ago.

Some pools have nude nights but single guys are not overly welcome as I understand, my wife is not keen.

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RE:Nude Swiming

I remember when swimming at the YMCA was nude. Just a kid and my grandfather took me every week.

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RE:Nude Swiming

I learned to swim in the late 1940s at the local YMCA beginning when I was 6 or 7 years old. My parents insisted that I learn to swim and my brother, who was 10 years older than I, took me to the Y pool. It was my first experience swimming in the nude with other males and being nude with them in the locker room, and around the pool, as well. It was a good way to learn without the drag of those wooly flannel suits everyone wore back then. It is easy to understand why anyone would feel uncomfortable wearing a suit after learning to swim in the nude. We swam at least once or twice a week at the Y. We owned a summer home by the ocean and I swam daily at a remote beach when I could get away from adult supervision. I loved taking off my suit and swimming nude whenever possible. By the mid-1950s, I was fortunate to receive a scholarship to an exclusive boarding school for boys. Located on the western shore of the Hudson River, my classmates were the sons of well-known entertainers, ambassadors, corporate CEOs, politicians, and the heirs to considerable fortunes. In addition to rigid academic requirements, swimming was compulsatory for all students. In the late spring and summer months, we all swam nude in the outdoor pool. During autumn and winter, we swam indoors. Our instructors were nude as well and they were careful to select the best swimmers for the school's swimming team. We swam nude against other schools' teams and the competition was fierce. Two years later, my home away from home for four years was a snooty prep school in Connecticut. The practice of swimming in the nude at the school in the late 1950s into the early years of the next decade continued without interruption. When not at school, I went to a few different YMCAs now and then and everyone still swam in the nude. The atmosphere at those Ys in the pools, locker rooms, steam rooms, and showers varied considerably and was not always pristine and proper. Nevertheless, I would not change that experience of swimming nude with other boys and later on, young and older men for anything.

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RE:Nude Swiming

I learned to swim in the late 1940s at the local YMCA beginning when I was 6 or 7 years old. My parents insisted that I learn to swim and my brother, who was 10 years older than I, took me to the Y pool. It was my first experience swimming in the nude with other males and being nude with them in the locker room, and around the pool, as well. It was a good way to learn without the drag of those wooly flannel suits everyone wore back then. It is easy to understand why anyone would feel uncomfortable wearing a suit after learning to swim in the nude. We swam at least once or twice a week at the Y. We owned a summer home by the ocean and I swam daily at a remote beach when I could get away from adult supervision. I loved taking off my suit and swimming nude whenever possible. By the mid-1950s, I was fortunate to receive a scholarship to an exclusive boarding school for boys. Located on the western shore of the Hudson River, my classmates were the sons of well-known entertainers, ambassadors, corporate CEOs, politicians, and the heirs to considerable fortunes. In addition to rigid academic requirements, swimming was compulsatory for all students. In the late spring and summer months, we all swam nude in the outdoor pool. During autumn and winter, we swam indoors. Our instructors were nude as well and they were careful to select the best swimmers for the school's swimming team. We swam nude against other schools' teams and the competition was fierce. Two years later, my home away from home for four years was a snooty prep school in Connecticut. The practice of swimming in the nude at the school in the late 1950s into the early years of the next decade continued without interruption. When not at school, I went to a few different YMCAs now and then and everyone still swam in the nude. The atmosphere at those Ys in the pools, locker rooms, steam rooms, and showers varied considerably and was not always pristine and proper. Nevertheless, I would not change that experience of swimming nude with other boys and later on, young and older men for anything.

Some people have noted that at that time, many athletic activities at some all male prep schools and colleges were done nude, not just swimming.
Did you experience that also?

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RE:Nude Swiming

That's wonderful. I didn't experience that at the YMCA as a boy but I wish I had. It would have been a much more natural experience that I would have loved at the time.

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RE:Nude Swiming

No, that was not in my experience at prep school whatsoever. We had an indoor gym with an Olympic-sized pool. We were required to swim in the nude. However, our football, basketball, baseball, track, wrestling, and soccer teams played in uniforms, not in the nude. Such rumors are pure hogwash.

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