YES!!!! I've had enough... of ALL this "/$%?&

Next time someone asks me why I'm an atheist, I'll direct them to this thread.

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RE: YES!!!! I've had enough... of ALL this

Seems only true Americans are willing to fight for what is right. Also people of other countries that believe in doing what is right.

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RE: Had enough yet?

(snip)Get the Jewish. They killed Jesus..

Sorry to hijack this thread, but it was the Romans who killed Jesus. I don't want to argue politics or religion.

I enjoy good debates as long as there is no name calling.

Maybe a mile away (aka 20 NYC blocks - or is it 10) from ground zero would have been a better choice for the mosque. To those who think most who follow Islam are good and sweet....most who follow the younger imams procreate much more according to a data sheet I recently read. Read what you will into that.

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RE: Had enough yet?

(snip)Get the Jewish. They killed Jesus..
Sorry to hijack this thread, but it was the Romans who killed Jesus. I don't want to argue politics or religion.
I enjoy good debates as long as there is no name calling.
Maybe a mile away (aka 20 NYC blocks - or is it 10) from ground zero would have been a better choice for the mosque. To those who think most who follow Islam are good and sweet....most who follow the younger imams procreate much more according to a data sheet I recently read. Read what you will into that.

Jesus was Jewish. Many Romans were Jewish.

Jesus affirms that he is the Messiah before the Sanhedrin, {Mk. 14:53-65}.The Jewish leaders turn him over to Pilate for execution, but Pilate is reluctant to execute Jesus {Harris, Stephen L., Understanding the Bible. Palo Alto: Mayfield. 1985. "Mark" pp. 285296} In an attempt to spare Jesus' life, Pilate offers the mob a chance to free him, but they choose Barabbasinstead, so that the responsibility for Jesus' execution falls on the mob of Jews that the Pharisees have incited, rather than on the Romans, {see previous note}as expressed in the Gospel of Matthew by the Jewish crowd's proclamation, His blood be upon us and on our children. {Mt. 27:24-25}

I am not trying to incite anything here. The issues were not inflamed by religion but by group-think. Whenever you have a group mentality, it is always devolves to the lowest possible strain. Group-think could be thought of as the opposite of "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" where in this case "the whole is much less than the subtraction of all the parts."

End of thread-jacking

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RE: Had enough yet?

all i want to know is can i get naked at ground zero!!!!

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RE: YES!!!! I've had enough... of ALL this

Mieke, I was trying to say I stand behind every country that believes in freedom. I do not like countries that treat women as property, cut hands, noses or other parts off of people. Do not allow women to drive, get an education. I myself if I saw a neighbor abusing a child, wife I would be talking to him until he understood it was not exceptable.

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RE: YES!!!! I've had enough... of ALL this

I have never seen soo much bigotry in my a point of being sick to the stomach... Don't you see you're acting the same way as those extremists do? Of whatever religion,party or country they are?
It's a poor,poor world we live in...sigh....

Unfortunately Mieke, once these flame wars are ignited people from both sides tend to throw gasoline on the fire instead of water or letting it just burn out.

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RE: Had enough yet?

The original post said about two thumbs up for the mos. Obama was elected on all his false promises to everyone. It you wanted a job, house, education, health care, etc. He was going to have a transparency in the whitehouse. So far he has not lived up to one promise. The healthcare, most people did not like or want it the way it was done. Immirgation he refused to do anything about until the states started doing the job of the gov., then he tried sueing them. Most of America doesn't want the mos to be built where they want to build it, they have no problem with them building one some place else. Obama is out of touch with the American people and even his own party are starting to have nothing to do with him. He believes, its my way or no way. The American people were hoping for something better and got worse.

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RE: Had enough yet?

I'm thankful that you live in America Nakednlouisville. So that you are able to visit the porn shops and strip places that are your hobby. But I still do not want the mosque, as most Americans ,built where they want to build it.

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RE: YES!!!! I've had enough... of ALL this

Thank you for those interesting links.....but...just one more time for you...............I am discussing occurences within AUSTRALIA......I have no knowledge of events that have happened outside of my country, therefore I can not nor will not make comments.
But as you supplied me with some reading material, I shall return the favour. And this will be my last comment on this particular topic, because sometimes you just can't make a point concerning your own country and the events occuring in your own country to those that do not wish to listen.
PS I shall have a nice day thank you very much, it is going to be extremely warm in beautiful Queensland today, sunshine and happiness.

I love to learn new things. It is so much better to get links showing where people get their information so that we can all broaden our horizons. A question, though: Did you know that the Mackenzie Institute is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada?

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