friends lists
If you click on anyones profile there is a block titled friends. If there is a + you can make a friends request and if it has a check-mark that means you are already friends with them, To un-friend click on there check-mark and a window pops up and asks if you really want to un-friend them. Click the correct box and you are done.
I find a similar trend. They ask for a friendship, then ghost me.
I take pride, and time in my thoughtful comments to encourage dialogue, especially with a new friend.
So, I'm considering deleting the silent ones. I was under the impression that a friend wants to chat & exchange thoughts.
Silly me.
If you compare this site with Facebook, for example, I think to a lesser extent people are hooked on numbers. I get some friend requests from people thousands of miles away who I chat to and others close by who I never hear from. As the number of friends increase, then I don't expect to chat to all of them, but when we do it's about quality not quantity. Persevere with all your friends.