Meeting In Person

The purpose for many of us to join sites like Truenudists is to find other like minded people in hopes of becoming friends and create a social network that extends beyond the cyber world.

I've been extremely fortunate to connect, meet and become close friends with many on this site, but the challenge still exists on how to translate online connections to meeting in person...

Over the years it never ceases to amaze me of how many people call themselves nudists yet all they seem to be looking for is SEX!!! One of the surest ways to stop a friendship from ever leading to meeting in person, is engaging in play/sex online, many seem to sense a freedom to engage in behavior that they would not normally engage with someone in person, hence the reluctance to ever meet in person. My recommendation to anyone looking to translate an online friendship offline, don't do anything online you won't do in person. Personally I've found the friends that I have actually met in person were the ones that have kept online chats play/sex-free.

I'm always looking for opportunities to meet and hangout with new nudists, so if you're truly a nudist and looking for a platonic nudist friendships feel free to send me a line.

The warm summer weather is upon us, let's start planning some nude hangouts and adventures.

Cheers :-)

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RE:Meeting In Person

we have a group: meeting truenudists...

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RE:Meeting In Person

There are several meetup groups around for the purpose of nude social activity. We have had a few nude potluck dinners and a movie night. It is refreshing to take the sex out of nudity and just relax with no expectation.

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RE:Meeting In Person

Hi I live East of Toronto. Where could I join a meeting group like this...? Thanks

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RE:Meeting In Person

The group I attend is Hamilton based. Check Meetup and see if there is one in your area or create one.

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RE:Meeting In Person

The group I attend is Hamilton based. Check Meetup and see if there is one in your area or create one.

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