Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

Yes, the last belongs in quotes, I know I get a little over the top.

I had a presentation to give last Thursday, and still had a lot of work to do on it Wednesday night. But instead of going to my hotel room after work and facing a computer screen, I detoured about 20 miles to a spot that is one of my favorites on the whole planet--a very deserted long stretch of sandy beach backed by uninhabited pine forest. It's a place that I often enjoy nude when conditions permit. Wednesday was sunny, warm but not steamy, calm. Actually, those conditions usually mean lots of bugs, but there were none. Pretty much a perfect evening.

I strolled down the beach and stripped when I reached a spot where nobody else would be bothered by a naked guy. Padded about, drew pictures in the sand with a stick, sat for a while, waded up to my waist (water still pretty cold) and took a nice long naked walk on soft clean sand. All the while creating the talk in my head, refocusing from presenting so many facts to a more coherent and "big" view of the topic. Suddenly it almost took my breath away when I realized how lucky I am to have such a place. I benefit from solitude, and I experience such a deep connection with nature there, even more so when naked. With all that came clarity of mind. And, eureka!, an opportunity to "think great thoughts."

Made the better choice last Wednesday night. Talk went fine on Thursday.

At some point, maybe give a presentation naked?

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

That is truly brilliant] I would need some way of noting my thoughts down as I would forget, or confuse, them by the following morning. The naked tranquility would be overwhelming. Good luck in the naked presentation.

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

The naked tranquility would be overwhelming. Good luck in the naked presentation.

Thanks. The words I needed but couldn't find. The tranquility was truly overwhelming (so much for "great thoughts" leading to great language"). We'll have to see about giving a presentation naked.....

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

I get why you like doing what you did that evening, time spent alone naked in natural places really does feel wonderful and is a great way to collect your thoughts, think things through and prepare for many things in life.

We can walk some distance along the coast from a local nudist beach, it is backed by high cliffs and there are very few ways down to the beach so you can usually find a quiet spot to relax naked and alone.. Sometimes when I want to clear my head, think things through or completely switch off from life's issues I like to walk naked away from the main nudist area to find a quiet spot to do similar to what you did that day. Sometimes it is for the day, sometimes an hour or two, being nude while surrounded by nature is a great way to prepare for things, switch off completely and chill out or do both.

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

So great. Thanks for sharing. I'm happy that you have such a place.

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

Thank you for sharing your creative process Alfresco. I too feel more energized and creative when nude. I have created some of my more exciting paintings while naked. But before I paint them a good long nude walk helps get the creative juices flowing. I hope you are able to utilize your private secluded beach for moe reguvination.

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

Thank you for sharing your creative process Alfresco. I too feel more energized and creative when nude. I have created some of my more exciting paintings while naked. But before I paint them a good long nude walk helps get the creative juices flowing. I hope you are able to utilize your private secluded beach for moe reguvination.

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

Thank you for sharing your creative process Alfresco. I too feel more energized and creative when nude. I have created some of my more exciting paintings while naked. But before I paint them a good long nude walk helps get the creative juices flowing. I hope you are able to utilize your private secluded beach for moe reguvination.

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RE:Nudity, Solitude and "thinking great thoughts"

Thank you for sharing your creative process Alfresco. I too feel more energized and creative when nude. I have created some of my more exciting paintings while naked. But before I paint them a good long nude walk helps get the creative juices flowing. I hope you are able to utilize your private secluded beach for moe reguvination.

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