Group Rules for Perspective Members

BLANK, PRIVATE OR MINIMALLY FILLED OUT PROFILES ... will NOT be allowed to join. Must have a profile picture. Those members that have not logged onto the site in over 90 days will be dropped and you can reapply for membership to the group.

Profile photos: 99% or more of the requests I get from people that have no profile photo have zero info in their profile. How are you suppose to be taken seriously as a member here or as a True Nudist is you're not willing to share information about who you are, where you are, what your interests are ... take the time to fill out your profile, post a picture of yourself and I'll gladly take the time to allow you to join groups I moderate.

ANY male members that post pictures of themselves with erections will not be allowed to join. I go through your profile and your gallery. If I see pictures that do NOT conform to TN photos policies, you will NOT be allowed to join. Torso only photos, selfie butt shots, photos from the ground up between your legs and headless photos will also be grounds for membership deletion and non acceptance into the group.

It takes very little time and effort to fill out a profile. If you don't have the time, patience and willingness to fill out your profile, I can't take the time to allow you to join groups I moderate.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

Bump ...

Needed to Bump this message because ...

I'm getting some male members requesting to join and I WILL NOT approve your request if you have pictures in your profile where you have an erection. If you remove those and resubmit, I will allow you to join but will check regularly to see if you repost those and I will delete your membership, if you do.

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