RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.

Its def not a main reason to go but love it once there, adds to the day

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RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.

It's probably one of the main reasons I love nudism - showing off my hot wife to other men

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RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.

Its great showing off my bbw on the beach or on holiday

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RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.

Ah huh.

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RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.

I love it when other guys check out my wifes breasts and vagina.
I can't explain why, but I love it.

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RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.


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RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.

It's probably one of the main reasons I love nudism - showing off my hot wife to other men

I feel like I can relate in some way. I am not crazy about other men wanting what I kind of feel like is mine. Im sure Im saying that wrong. My wife is not an object. But if other men make her feel beautiful or sexy then bring it on. I love her more than anything and want her to feel good. Again we are not swingers. And we are faithful to each other. As long as it just compliments and not guys actually trying to take her from under my nose and if it makes her feel good. Thats good

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RE:Who else loves showing off their wife.

I love my wife and I am very proud of her!

And yes I do love to show her off because she is beautiful!

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