Sunday was pleasant, but it wasn't until I got back to work on Monday that the weather turned gorgeous.The up side to this is that tonight will be my 3rd naked drive in 3 days. So much nicer than my usual routine of just being bottomless.
I'm now at the point where I'm driving home naked virtually every day, and loving it. Traffic does seem to be getting worse, with more and more incidents, but driving naked I don't seem to mind as much
- 6 years ago
Yesterday I decided to take the dog for a walk at a new place so I drove both ways nude but on top of this I had no cloths in the car at all as it was going to be a nude dog walk as well so I had nothing to cover up with.
- 6 years ago
Since the Stay at Home order, my daily nude drives have dwindled to only a couple times a week! On Tuesdays, we partake in the "Tuesday Takeout" event where you get take out food to help small businesses during this situation. We have a small burger place with a Drive Thru and we go there on Tuesdays. I usually have a shirt on and keep it unbuttoned. It's been cool out and driving through the drive thru naked would just be... unusual for the current weather.
I was headed over there this last Tuesday and got a call from a friend to check and see if the RV park near our home was open. There was a guard shack and a female security guard was attending. I rolled down the window of my Jeep and she walked over. I did have a pair of shorts on the passenger seat but didn't reach for them. She stood at the passenger window and we had a 5 min conversation about the RV park. I noticed her eyes dropping down to my seat but she didn't make any reference to the fact that I was not wearing shorts but she said nothing. She ended by saying, "have a fun drive. Stay safe and healthy!" Great attitude is she realized I was mostly naked! ;DDD
- 5 years ago
Just because I have not posted here in awhile does not mean I have not been driving nude.
It is just that it would get rather boring just posting about my daily drive to and from work and the occasional side trip to the store.
The company I work for is still open, sort of, but I am only going into the office twice a week for now.
This past Friday (04/03/20) I had one customer order going from our location in Simi Valley to Placentia CA.
Normally I would just ship this out by a local carrier but since I did not have anything else to do I decided to drive it there myself.
I have gone there a couple of times in the past and even though it is only about 70 miles away, it is normally a two to three hour drive each way.
With the stay at home orders in place, this day it took 69 minutes to get there and 78 minutes to get back.
Naturally I was nude the whole time.
Other than the light traffic there was nothing special about the drive but since it may be quite a while before I get to drive anywhere again, I thought I should post this one here.
- 5 years ago
I also havent posted anything for some time. I work a split shift so my trip into work (48 miles) is usually shorts open and showing lots of leg and top less, dont need the FHP being called about a nude driver but I do have tinted windows and drive a pickup . The ride home is full nude except for the wedding band.
- 5 years ago
This is my first time on TN for about three weeks. Being in IT, my time has been mental.
One of the real benefits to staying at home is not having the 2+ hour commute every day. However, I'm not missing the naked time as staying at home I'm naked all the time apart from once per week for groceries and 30 minutes at lunch time for a walk down the lane.
Our village would not be happy with a naked walker.
- 5 years ago
Having to run errands once, maybe twice a week. If it's drive up/drive thru errands, I remain nude. If I have to exit the vehicle, I drive there nude and slip on the shorts, t shirt, flip flops and mask! hahahahaha
Tomorrow I'm going on a 4x4 overnighter with a buddy. He's not a nudist but knows I am. We used to work together. He's bringing his son so I'm thinking the nudity will be confined to my drive up there and back... and sleeping! He knows I will NOT wear anything to sleep in.
Wishing I could take my RV but the road to our camp spot is uncharted so this is a recon trip to see if I can get it up the road. It'll be a 3-4 hr drive up there and then back so I'll get my longest naked drive in since Feb of this year.
Only wish I could do some naked 4x4ing. I'll have to evaluate while on the trail! ;D
- 5 years ago
I got in the 4.5 naked drive up to our camp spot on a mountain top adjacent to Sequoia National Park. It's remote and I was able to slip on the shorts while my buddy was busy parking his rig. I decided to sleep in my Jeep that night so I could sleep naked and not freak my buddy's son out. His son knows I'm a nudist but has never seen me naked and I think he wants to keep it that way... sissy! hahahaha
I was going to take our afternoon drive on a trail, naked, but after the second stop, I just kept the shorts on. Too much on and off with the shorts was a PITA. When we left, I got a plan and as we pulled out of the camping spot, I was out of the shorts and t shirt and flip flops. I drove naked for about 2 hours to our first stop. I slipped on the shorts and flip flops and fueled up for the drive home. We exchanged good byes and off we went. I got outta the shorts and flip flops and it felt good knowing I wouldn't be putting anything on the rest of the day and night. I got home, drove into the garage and exited the car naked to my awaiting naked wife! The naked hug and kiss felt great but I needed a shower. I unloaded the Jeep and then headed for our outdoor shower where I took a nice long hot shower. My wife had made me a drink and sat and watched. After I was done showering, I told her that she owed me $2 for watching! ;DDD
- 5 years ago
Got some take out sushi for lunch yesterday. With the pandemic rules in effect, some restaurants want to bring the food to you instead of you walking in to pick it up. This sushi place asked that you remain in your car and they'd bring it to you. As I was ready to leave, I had a shirt and some tan thru swim shorts in hand and walked out to the car. My wife stopped me and asked why I needed clothes if they were bring the food to me. I said, "just in case...". I drove over to the restaurant and parked in the front and called to tell them I was there. A Japanese woman came out in full costume which had to be extremely warm in the 100+ degree temps we have been having. I remained completely naked and she handed me the food. She commented on how hot it was and said, "have a nice day!" I don't think she even realized I was nude and figured I just didn't have a shirt on. ;D
- 5 years ago
That is great. I drive nude at least three days a week. Up and down the Wasatch front. It is so nice.
- 5 years ago