Streak the Cove 2017??

Anyone have any idea if there will be a Streak the Cove this year (Sept 8th weekend)?? The contract with the last group was cancelled and they are no longer running it. I've booked my flights and room, but I am afraid they won't be hosting it. Can't seem to get an answer out of CC either when emailed.

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RE:Streak the Cove 2017??

Thanks for bringing this up. I normally receive emails for both the Streak and the Bare Dare (organized by the same group) well in advance of the events since I have run both in the past. It's funny since my wife and I were discussing our travel plans for September just last night and I mentioned going to the Cove for the Streak. I did see it lasted on a website somewhere, but I guess I should research it more before booking flights, lodging etc.

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RE:Streak the Cove 2017??

Hey Furry, I will be there this weekend I will ask and see if I can get you some information on what's happening.

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RE:Streak the Cove 2017??

From the people working the front desk at Cypress Cove. The group that was organizing the 5K is no longer doing this event. The new organizers they found are only able to do the event Labor Day Weekend this year. Please contact the Cove for more information.

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