Blushing nurses and drs

Well i now have been put on meds and been to the drs everyday but that is not always a bad thing. They are trying to help me and it gives me a chance to get naked in these situations that i really
My drs and nurses have seen me naked so many times, you see im tge quick naked artist when the say change by tge time they say it ive already dropped my pants and am naked from my botyoms down!!! Ive scared many a nurse man and women ones, tgey turn to look at me when they hear my pants drop everytime. Now some are used to it they say wait for me to leave others open the door to see how fast im naked its quit a game we have acouple of them have made comments and joke with me but i dont care, its my life and i love it. Some say they have to sterilize the room when i leave others shake their heads and laugh but it saved my life over a year ago. I took a pill that blew my whole body up it cut off my air way and the little clothes i had on they had to cut off so i was naked anyway so i just do it just in case it would happen again.
Do you have a fun life with your lifestyle?
Are you creative with it?
What is holding you back?
I know im really battling something but im smiling making the best of it and its making me feel better with something to look forward to!!!
Enjoy your life, be creative, look forward to something, be blessed

This topic was edited 8 years ago
  • 8 years ago
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