Rainbow Sandals

I started wearing these way back in the the late 70's. Being a beach bum I found them at a surf shack in Galveston. It took me 35 years to finally need a new pair. I'll n bet wear anything else.

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RE:Rainbow Sandals

I started wearing these way back in the the late 70's. Being a beach bum I found them at a surf shack in Galveston. It took me 35 years to finally need a new pair. I'll n bet wear anything else.

Now really, does it get any better than that: Naked, Sun, Coffee, and your old faithful flip flops! I have a long standing pair (didn't last 35 years), but I will be sad when they wear out - although they are still going strong for now. They have seen me through working naked at home, nude hikes, nude beaches, and my favorite resorts! I'll be glad when Winter is over and I can wear my flip flops naked outside. My winter, steel toe boots aren't nearly as beloved as my favorite pair of flops!

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