RE:Shaving for nude beach


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RE:Shaving for nude beach

My vasectomy was the reason I first shaved after off and on I have had laser treatment

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RE:Shaving for nude beach

Im with you !

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RE:Shaving for nude beach

We all think differently or what we like ..some guys like the smooth look others like to trim .. it doesnt bother me who is smooth or hairy!!!

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RE:Shaving for nude beach

Your body, your choice!

My choice is to trim with a #3 blade all over, except for the bush which I pluck by hand wearing a rubber glove to only leave the shorter hairs. I trim the scrotum closer, but don't shave to avoid nicks, and don't pluck as that creates spots. When I tried a #2 blade for the trimming, the hairs overlapped less and it was noticeable, to me at least.

My goal is to have a look that's even but not thick, so I can feel the sun, use less sunscreen (amazing how much difference the extra hair makes!) and when I have to wear a swimsuit, which may be quite skimpy, there's no visible transition in hair density.

I think it works out well. The shaved look is not for me since it's too out of the ordinary. I tend not to keep it up during winter unless planning an escape to warmer climes. Even the difference in the shower is noticeable once I have caught up!

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RE:Shaving for nude beach

I agree on Your Body, your choice... Its also about what you are comfortable with. My I trim for the most part. I leave the pits and pubes alone or I scissor trim over mowing with the clippers. I shave the boys, I found Mach 3 blades to work the best and nick free... Lastly, shaving before the beach can work against you... Keep in mind that hair does act a bit like a screen. removing it gives you more exposure to sunburn. Also if the skin is freshly shaved, it may be tender or sensitive, toss sunburn on that and its not fun.

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RE:Shaving for nude beach

That is true , no hair cant cause a sunburn quick

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