Sept 23

Traveling back to Florida from the Northeast and usually stop for the night just over the border in VA. Thought I would finally try this Spa. Anyone care to show me around?

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RE:Sept 23

Well, I got no response so went by myself from 7p to 9p. Pretty busy which was expected for a Saturday evening. The front desk was very helpful in providing information. My first impression inside was the noise. The wet area is very noisy from the various jets and bubbles. The sounds reverberated off the walls adding to the intensity. Great to see everyone naked although there were a few that held the tiny towel in front of themselves. I went from hot pools to bade pool to steam room. The men seemed to be mostly couples or groups of friends and not interested in chatting with an outsider. The most conversation I had was with a dad who apologized for his 2 young sons. I told him they were fine and we discussed kids. I thought it was great to see all ages.

I put on the supplied shorts/shirt and went to the poultice area. Tried a couple of the rooms but the ones I choose had groups having loud discussions so I left and went back to the men's area. Did some more soaking and used the sauna before leaving.

Note: I used the GPS app Waze to navigate there. It had me turn left at the intersection where Spaworld is located when it should have been a right. I happened to see the sign as I was turning left and backtracked.

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