
As I get older my belly gets bigger. Like any nudist I'm happy in my own skin - open, uninhibited and natural. Of course I could give up drinking the beer if I was concerned about my figure. But why?

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I totally agree.It took a lot of time and money to cultivate my belly and I don't care who doesn't approve.C'mon everyone BELLY up to the bar.

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Had a bit of health trouble early in the year so I'm being a little restrained. Find a few is enough, maybe 2-3 on a quiet night 5-6 is enough on a bigger night so the beer belly is pretty much under control. Did have a bigger weekend recently due to some hot weather and doing plenty of manual work, put on 2kg in a weekend. SBN.

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With a bit of moderation and a reasonable amount of exercise, the beer belly should not be much of an issue. Thus, you can continue to enjoy a pint of malty goodness.

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IMHO, there are worse things than a bit of beer belly. Be you. Be Naked. Celebrate life responsibly I say!

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Why have six PAC abs when you can have a keg

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Right! Good one!

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beer bellies are SEXY!!! to some of us anyway.

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Lol! Good attitude!

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I have only one woman to please ... my wife!

In all these years we've been social nudists, we've seen countless naked bodies of all shapes and sizes. My wife's ONLY request of me ... "remain healthy enough to stay alive so we can enjoy this life and lifestyle together for as long as possible." I enjoy wine and liquor more than beer. I also enjoy good/great food. I have a slight belly, current pics in my profile do not reflect my present shape, because I've begun to ensure moderation in most things and I've increased activity around the house, at the clubs and resorts and I joined a gym.

As long as my wife is happy with me ... Life Remains Good! ;-)

Concentrate on keeping the weight in check as much as possible for Health reasons and not so much body image! :-)

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Andy, i think that's the right attitude. What matters most are your numbers after the annual checkup. As long as you stay healthy you are doing OK.

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