Would love to talk Star Wars with fellow nudists

Is this group still active?

I was raised on Star Wars. The earliest stories I remember my dad reading me were Homer's Odyssey and the 1976 Star Wars novelization, also known as the Adventures of Luke Skywalker. I saw all of the Original Trilogy by the time I was 3, and had a ton of action figures. The Phantom Menace came out the year I turned 4, and I loved it! It was incredible, being a child, understanding and loving the originals, and then almost immediately getting to see the Jedi in their prime after hearing Obi-Wan's stories! I think it's shame that The Phantom Menace gets such a bad rap by some folks, as it to this day my favorite of the Prequel Trilogy.

On the subject of nudism, I recall reading a Star Wars book in middle school that discussed the Jedi meditating in the nude. What do you guys think of this?

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RE:Would love to talk Star Wars with fellow nudists

I dont think Ive read that one. Which one was it?

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