Upcoming opportunity

My church is organizing a group of guys to go down to Texas to help with Harvey clean up. I think it will be a great time building friendships
even while we work. Today I was given the guidelines for it put out by the organizing group. We will be sleeping communally in a gym or similar and it specifically states " pajamas appropriate for group sleeping required " I know it is a conservative group and will try to comply,
but sleeping nude is the only way to get a good night's rest. And if you can't be nude around a group of other guys who can you be nude around?

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RE:Upcoming opportunity

My church is organizing a group of guys to go down to Texas to help with Harvey clean up. I think it will be a great time building friendships
even while we work. Today I was given the guidelines for it put out by the organizing group. We will be sleeping communally in a gym or similar and it specifically states " pajamas appropriate for group sleeping required "

Update. We ended up not sleeping in big common room. Instead we are paired up in hotel rooms. The guy I am sharing with shrugged off my nude sleeping habit as no big deal.

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RE:Upcoming opportunity

Nice results that you had a little more privacy generally; sleeping in large groups can be tiring. And that your roommate didnt care so you could get a better night's rest. In situations like that I just slip the PJs off after lights out and back on upon waking. In my case I would first have to buy some PJs.

In response to your original question, in the US these days there is really nobody you can be nude around without their express permission. One hears of taboos in men's locker areas at gyms. You would probably have gotten the same instructions from a secular NGO, a government group, etc. People have so conflated nudity with sex that it has led to ridiculous ideas about modesty.

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RE:Upcoming opportunity update

There was some actual nudity amount the group at an unexpected instance. We drove down to the coast one evening and it was well after dark
when the bus made it out to the edge of the sand. Some of the guys had worn their swimsuits in anticipation of going for a swim in the Gulf.
About half dozen went for a swim, clothed, but when they got done they changed into dry clothes while standing outside the bus. laughter would occur whenever someone would cause the bus lights to come on illuminating them as someone put it " with their cheeks in the wind" We have now given our pastor who was with us, to somehow use the phrase " cheeks in the wind" in a sermon in the next couple of weeks.
My roomie, was totally cool with my casualness about lack of clothes while in the room. Not bad for a young man who lives with his Mom and grandma.

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RE:Upcoming opportunity update

Sounds like you made the most of the opportunity you were given. Got to sleep naked and spent a little bonding time with your male friends. My hat is off to you!

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