Nude Churches
I keep hearing about churches that conduct their services in the nude. Anybody attend one or ever attended one? If so how do/did you like it? What are your thoughts on being nude in church? Good idea or not?
- 7 years ago
My wife and I met at the Christian Naturist Fellowship of Florida which had it's founding meeting and worship service under the trees in the open at Lake Como Club in Florida. The organization met monthly for a couple of years before people began moving away, etc.
We had music, Bible study, singing, and fellowship. It was in every way, Church, and we were all naked. It was great.
- 7 years ago
When most people think of church. They think of building made of wood, concrete and mortar. Church to me is the embodiment of the bride to Christ. We gather together to make the body if his bride. Clothes to me are mans concept. In heaven we won't need clothes and on earth we are made in his image. It is impossible for us to invision the father and the son yet we always struggle to put an image in our heads what God looks like. How he is cloked. I came into this world naked and innocent. Even though the world tries to curupt the way we look at ourselves. I try to put my thoughts toward how to be the best person I can hiding nothing. Walking like Adam and Eve talking with God. Not worrying about mans insecurities. I am faithful to my lord. I want to walk as we were made to co exist. I pray and talk with my lord every day whether I'm clothed or not. Simple and open is the best way for me.
- 7 years ago