Surprising how many of the men have noted removing their shirt when they get home.I would have expected more to be like me and get rid of it as soon as they leave the last place that requires one.
In my home state of New Jersey, traffic laws require wearing a shirt while driving.
- 7 years ago
Surprising how many of the men have noted removing their shirt when they get home.I would have expected more to be like me and get rid of it as soon as they leave the last place that requires one.
For me, and I think others, the shirt is the only thing that stays on while driving home. This way, nobody knows that you're almost naked. Now that it's dark nights, even the shirt isn't really needed
- 7 years ago
In my home state of New Jersey, traffic laws require wearing a shirt while driving.Bob
Don't you just love the land of the free.
Does the law state that you have to wear anything other than your shirt?
- 7 years ago
That was going to be my question - does New Jersey require wearing clothing (pants, shorts, skirt, etc.) about the lower body while driving?
- 7 years ago
Surprising how many of the men have noted removing their shirt when they get home.I would have expected more to be like me and get rid of it as soon as they leave the last place that requires one.In my home state of New Jersey, traffic laws require wearing a shirt while driving.Bob
What the
How can there be any logic in that
What difference does it make
- 7 years ago
Surprising how many of the men have noted removing their shirt when they get home.I would have expected more to be like me and get rid of it as soon as they leave the last place that requires one.In my home state of New Jersey, traffic laws require wearing a shirt while driving.Bob
Are you sure? I live in NJ and have never had a problem.
Have been stopped by police at least twice for something else while driving shirtless and nothing was said.
The more recent time I was on my cell phone, which is extremely rare for me and I didn't pull over until he put on his siren since I wasn't looking in the rear view mirror.
Despite these 2 serious offences, he only ticketed me for driving in the passing lane without passing anyone, which is relatively minor.
- 7 years ago
Another good reason to visit Texas.
- 7 years ago
If I'm home longer than 3 mins off it comes. Then again I never wear underwear and only wear shoes while at work. That leaves only a shirt and pants/shorts. So its easy for me
- 7 years ago
If I'm home longer than 3 mins off it comes. Then again I never wear underwear and only wear shoes while at work. That leaves only a shirt and pants/shorts. So its easy for me
In summer, I generally take off my shirt as soon as I leave the last place that requires one, so it is even easier and quicker for me.
- 7 years ago
I live in Jersey. Never heard of that law.
- 7 years ago