RE: Skinbook has called it quits

Ning allows NO nudity on any of its sites.

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

Ning allows NO nudity on any of its sites.That is correct, although a couple are'sneaking' in. I suspect they too will be ejected when they are found out.

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

Skinbook is still continuing to thrive, and now has nearly 1,200 members on it. We've got some good discussions happening on the forums and the groups are now starting to take off as well. :)

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

So is skinbook back up and going?

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

Very well said NudeinMa, and that's why I'm a life member of TN. The best nudist/naturist site in town...Thanks, MC. It's an eye-opener. TANSTAAFL. (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.) Free websites aren't. Some think that TT1 is making kilobucks each month off of TN. He wishes. With a membership over 50,000, it would be amazing to discover that as many as 1 in 1000 support the site. And the bills come due whether he has the bucks or not: LiteSpeed server space; server support; monthly bandwidth (which must be huge on a graphics-intensive site); chatroom software rental and 123 Flashchat server access; the time he spends here when he could be doing other things; etcetera. Anyone who really appreciates TN should be willing to throw a few bucks a month TT1's way in appreciation. As for the chronic gripers, there are other "nudist" sites out there to try. If you find a better one, enjoy!

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

RE: Skinbook has called it quits
"i don't think it was the admin, it was more than likely one of the over zealous moderators. some of the moderators took to running as they saw fit and not how the rules and regs were. there were several moderators that got into a power battle and things started downhill from there."

I had joined Skinbook about six months before it folded. I submitted a full length photo from my toes to over the top of my head. I recieved an e-mail from a moderator that it was unaceptable because the top of my head was cut off. I saw the photo as it appeared, full face showing with a bit of hair cropped at the top. I resized the photo and resubmitted. Recieved the same e-mail from the same moderator. Reduced the size again and resubmitted.
Guess what? Same thing.

The moderator had taken the time to send three e-mails to me but never thought to move the photo in the frame so the hair on top of my head would show.

Stupidity may havecaused the end of Skinbook.

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RE: Skinbook has called it quits

If you decide to subscribe to TN with the intent of helping the site financially, the *Lifetime* subscription is the lowest cost, considering they would never be receiving any additional payments. The shorter terms have continuing - renewal payments - which would help them a lot more, in the long run.

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