Since the beginning of the Covid 19 lockdown and self isolation, we've stayed pretty much close to home. We have ventured out recently, on camping trips, but with little to nothing open, we didn't have to pack much in the way of clothing. We recently talked about what outfits we've worn for the last several months and I can honestly say that I have worn 3-4 different outfits, mostly consisting of shorts, flip flops, sneakers and a t shirt or Hawaiian shirt. In many, many cases, I've only worn an outfit for a short time and it gets either folded and put away or hung up. When the need arises again to dress, I end up wearing the same damn outfit! I'll wear it 2-3 times depending on how long I was in it and type of activity, then it will get washed.
If we never got back to normal, I could literally get rid of 90%+ of my wardrobe! I'll wait to see where this situation takes us before I start donating all my clothes! ;DDD
Since the beginning of the Covid 19 lockdown and self isolation, we've stayed pretty much close to home. We have ventured out recently, on camping trips, but with little to nothing open, we didn't have to pack much in the way of clothing. We recently talked about what outfits we've worn for the last several months and I can honestly say that I have worn 3-4 different outfits, mostly consisting of shorts, flip flops, sneakers and a t shirt or Hawaiian shirt. In many, many cases, I've only worn an outfit for a short time and it gets either folded and put away or hung up. When the need arises again to dress, I end up wearing the same damn outfit! I'll wear it 2-3 times depending on how long I was in it and type of activity, then it will get washed.If we never got back to normal, I could literally get rid of 90%+ of my wardrobe! I'll wait to see where this situation takes us before I start donating all my clothes! ;DDD
I suspect that if you did take the plunge and donate everything you don't need for now, you would find that even after you had to buy more clothing when things return to something closer to normal, you would still have a lot less clothing than you do now. Cost might not be that great.
I do not possess a swim suit. I havent been swimming anywhere except our pool & local nudist resort for several years. That said, Im still in the working world so clothes are necessary. I do want to pare down the clothes and that process has begun but its going to take a while. I keep asking myself, where did all this stuff come from? That closet(s) is full!
I do not possess a swim suit. I havent been swimming anywhere except our pool & local nudist resort for several years. That said, Im still in the working world so clothes are necessary. I do want to pare down the clothes and that process has begun but its going to take a while. I keep asking myself, where did all this stuff come from? That closet(s) is full!
You are at an age where you are probably thinking about retirement.
Do you expect to spend most of your time nude and get rid of most of your clothing when you do?
While I am retired, I am nude less and have more clothing than some retirees on this site, because I am active in my community and our grandson spends a lot of time here.
Still, I am nude far more than when I was working and wearing less when I can't be nude.
I have well less than half as much clothing as I did when I was working.
I have way too much clothing. 2 bathing trunks I bought for cruises, 2 speedos for swimming laps, and 4 pairs of surf trunks. I could easily cut those in half or better. Then I have a drawer full of t-shorts that I probably only wear 4-5 but most are from places Ive visited or gifts from my children. Probably 10 pairs of shorts and then 3 pairs of jeans. Then add the golf wear, Hawaiian shirts I never wear and a
Few dress Shirts and slacks. We are selling our house and downsizing to our cabin in North Carolina for now so probably going to lose a bunch of clothing during the move.
I have way too much clothing. 2 bathing trunks I bought for cruises, 2 speedos for swimming laps, and 4 pairs of surf trunks. I could easily cut those in half or better. Then I have a drawer full of t-shorts that I probably only wear 4-5 but most are from places Ive visited or gifts from my children. Probably 10 pairs of shorts and then 3 pairs of jeans. Then add the golf wear, Hawaiian shirts I never wear and aFew dress Shirts and slacks. We are selling our house and downsizing to our cabin in North Carolina for now so probably going to lose a bunch of clothing during the move.
Are you retiring at the same time?
I have gotten rid of well over half of my clothing since I retired.
Still need more that a lot of people on this site because I am involved in many community activities and our grandson is here much of the time.
Have all of them due to having to wear a uniform at work!!!! Yet only have one pair of swimwear which I had to buy two years ago to visit a spa in Budapest.
Do you wear underwear to work? If not, do you own any?
I thought that Budapest had spas where nudity was permitted or even expected.
Yep have to wear them as they are issued. The Spas where at on stage all nude. However over the years as they have become more mixed, Costumes have to be worn. There is only one spa now that allows nudity during a same sex session. Even there you are give a small cotton apron to sit on.
One remaining swimsuit is wearing out.If it survives until our grandson goes home, I will not need to get one until our next vacation, February at the earliest.So I may have no swimwear for 6 months or so.
The more I think about having no swimwear, the better I like the idea.
The swimsuit will probably go right after our grandson returns to his mother.