RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

One remaining swimsuit is wearing out.If it survives until our grandson goes home, I will not need to get one until our next vacation, February at the earliest.So I may have no swimwear for 6 months or so.The more I think about having no swimwear, the better I like the idea.The swimsuit will probably go right after our grandson returns to his mother.

Grandson went home Saturday, but my wife invited a friend for a swim today.
Glad I didn't toss the swimsuit yet!

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

One remaining swimsuit is wearing out.If it survives until our grandson goes home, I will not need to get one until our next vacation, February at the earliest.So I may have no swimwear for 6 months or so.The more I think about having no swimwear, the better I like the idea.The swimsuit will probably go right after our grandson returns to his mother.Grandson went home Saturday, but my wife invited a friend for a swim today.Glad I didn't toss the swimsuit yet!

Wife's friend didn't come over after all. Neither did a fried that asked about coming last week.
Younger son and his girlfriend had asked about coming over for a swim Labor day weekend but it didn't work out. Want to try again before we close the pool in 2 weeks so time is running out for them. Last swimsuit hasn't been worn in over 2 weeks but still can't get rid of it.

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

Actually bought a swim brief also so that I would have something minimal to wear when appropriate.
Also can double as underwear on the very rare occasion when I have a need for it, like dermatologist appointments.

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

Actually bought a swim brief also so that I would have something minimal to wear when appropriate.Also can double as underwear on the very rare occasion when I have a need for it, like dermatologist appointments.

Just reviewed this and noticed that no one has no long slacks, just shorts.
I find this surprising.
In fact, last year when I was in FL, I happened to strike up a conversation with someone who had recently retired there. He mentioned that when he did so, he got rid of all of his long slacks and never intended to wear them again. I was not at a clothing optional location.

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

I have way too much clothing. 2 bathing trunks I bought for cruises, 2 speedos for swimming laps, and 4 pairs of surf trunks. I could easily cut those in half or better. Then I have a drawer full of t-shorts that I probably only wear 4-5 but most are from places Ive visited or gifts from my children. Probably 10 pairs of shorts and then 3 pairs of jeans. Then add the golf wear, Hawaiian shirts I never wear and aFew dress Shirts and slacks. We are selling our house and downsizing to our cabin in North Carolina for now so probably going to lose a bunch of clothing during the move.

Saw on another thread that you had moved. Did you get rid of much clothing when you did?

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

Moved to southern Arizona a year ago. I haven't had a swimsuit in years, no underwear for many more. Haven't worn socks or shoes, just flip flops for three years, and gave my long pants away. It's nude at all times, except for outings. Then shorts, shirt, if necessary, as with flip flops.

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

Moved to southern Arizona a year ago. I haven't had a swimsuit in years, no underwear for many more. Haven't worn socks or shoes, just flip flops for three years, and gave my long pants away. It's nude at all times, except for outings. Then shorts, shirt, if necessary, as with flip flops.

Glad to see someone else who only wears a shirt if necessary.
Surprising how many men on this board have commented that they usually wear a shirt also unless they are nude.
About how many shorts and shirts do you have?

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

Moved to southern Arizona a year ago. I haven't had a swimsuit in years, no underwear for many more. Haven't worn socks or shoes, just flip flops for three years, and gave my long pants away. It's nude at all times, except for outings. Then shorts, shirt, if necessary, as with flip flops.

Don't the evenings get chilly in AZ even though the days are hot? If so how do you stay warm after dark,

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

Moved to southern Arizona a year ago. I haven't had a swimsuit in years, no underwear for many more. Haven't worn socks or shoes, just flip flops for three years, and gave my long pants away. It's nude at all times, except for outings. Then shorts, shirt, if necessary, as with flip flops.

I managed to go over 4 months from May to September without wearing long pants last year. Felt great. wish it could be permanent, but I do have some activities where long pants are expected and it gets cold here in the winter.
Flip flops don't work for met when biking or taking a long walk, so I need socks and athletic shoes.

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RE:(Lack of) Wardrobe Inventory

Moved to southern Arizona a year ago. I haven't had a swimsuit in years, no underwear for many more. Haven't worn socks or shoes, just flip flops for three years, and gave my long pants away. It's nude at all times, except for outings. Then shorts, shirt, if necessary, as with flip flops.

Wondering if anyone else has only shorts, no long pants.
On my prior vacations in FL I have chatted with several men who said that when they moved there full time, they got rid of all of their long pants and only wear shorts.

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