Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

******Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police******

Following are all the rules and guidelines for Chat, Forum and Picture Posting in one easy place. If the rules are broken there are self-policing procedures and actions that can be taken. I've included those as well. TT1 has created a really nice site for nudists/naturalists to be able to communicate. Now let's do our part and help him keep it that way!

"Photo Guidelines..Please follow them (Can be found on your profile when you go to edit picture)
1. Your profile photo must contain you. Afterwards you may upload any photos you like
2. Please no erection shots, crotch shots or pornographic photos
3. No Spread Eagle, or shots where the butt, genitals or anus are the main focus point.
4. Images containing nudity can not contain anyone under the age of 18.
5. As of 1/7/09 we are no longer approving pictures that contain only genitals, If you choose not to show your face then you may not show your genitals.
6. All Photos are approved at the discretion of the administrator. If your picture is denied, upload a different one.

Chat Room Rules and Regulations (This is what you are agreeing to before you enter the chat room)
1. No Sexual Discussion, or Sexual Activities on Chat
2. No Crotch Shots. Faces on cam please.
3. If you do not want to be seen on your cam. Do not use it. Your cam isvisible to all users.
4. Please talk nice. No trolling.
5. Flag users who do not follow the rules.
6. Have Fun!

Rules for posting on forum/groups (Can be found right here on the forum - Subject: RULES FOR POSTING IN HERE; thread: rules for posting)
- Sexually Suggestive Topics will be deleted.
- Topics promoting Other websites or deemed SPAM will be deleted.
- Trolling or posts deemed to be rude will be deleted
- No pornographic links
- Although it is not a deletable offense, please refrain from use of profanity.
- Any members unable to follow these rules will have their account locked on the forum, or account deleted depending on severity.

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police


Any site is only as good as its members - old or new. When a person (male or female) is not willing to follow the rules/policies/guidelines/etiquette set forth by the creator of the site and exhibits inappropriate or offensive behavior, then it is up to the "abused" member (old or new) to follow the guidelines that are in place to curtail such behavior.

1. Politely let the person know that their behavior or picture is offensive and against the policies of the site. If the offense occurs in chat, let them know it is against the rules and ask them to stop. If it is an offensive picture, send them an email letting them know. (I suggest doing it politely. The person in question may be unaware that what they have said or displayed or the manner in which theyve behaved is against the rules.)

2. If that does not work, flag their profile listing their specific offense and as much detail as possible. (Please be sure that you are very careful that the person in question has truly broken a rule. Abuse of the flagging system can also get you banned)

3. If the behavior still persists report the abusive/offensive behavior in an email (Again, include as much detail as you can)

4. When you enter the chat room, REMEMBER that one of the rules you are agreeing to before you enter the room is to FLAG AND REPORT ANY MEMBER WHO IS BREAKING THE RULES. If you dont you are, in essence, breaking the rules yourself as that is part of what you agreed to do before entering the room.

5. Allow site admin some time to take care of, address, resolve the issue at hand. Remember there are currently over8000 members. Especially when it comes to pics, there are grey areas as to what is deemed appropriate and unless it is a FLAGRANT disregard of the rules, it may take several flags before its deemed necessary to ban a persons profile.

As one must be 18 to be a member of this site, we would assume that one would be mature enough to take responsibility for their own actions/reactions and act accordingly. The same social mores and tenets that exist socially (on the net or off the net) in the textile world apply to THIS nudist site. Lets all work together and with site admin to keep this site a friendly place for "true nudists"!

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

Felt that this was as good a time as any to bring this to the top of the home page again.

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

Just tagging this for when I can get a chance to look it over. Will probably add more thoughts, as I tend to be opinionated on eeeeeverything. LOL

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

One thing I will add while I'm thinking of it, is if you think someone has done something offensive try and keep it private. When you make it public people's first response is normally to take the defensive. Once some one is on the defensive, there is usually very little chance to get them to listen to reason. Then it just snowballs from we've seen already. ;)

Another thing to add is that people need to remember that there is no tone to the written word. While you maybe typing away thinking to yourself, "boy, am I ever being polite" when in reality that person opens it up and thinks, "What a tight ass jerk", when that's not what you were trying to convey at all. I ususally suggest to people that they reread what they type before they hit send. When you reread it try to put yourself in the recipients shoes and when you read it, think how you would react to it. Anyways, just a couple of thoughts.

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

The only problem is that when people try to follow the self policing guidelines they get attacked for doing so.
That is always a risk, I think the trick is, not to respond. I learned my lesson the hard way :) You've given them a chance, if they choose to be abusive, they are showing their true colours and you just go ahead and flag them, and their abusive mail. You can always change your mail settings to friends only for a bit :)

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

One thing I will add while I'm thinking of it, is if you think someone has done something offensive try and keep it private. When you make it public people's first response is normally to take the defensive. Once some one is on the defensive, there is usually very little chance to get them to listen to reason. Then it just snowballs from we've seen already. ;)Another thing to add is that people need to remember that there is no tone to the written word. While you maybe typing away thinking to yourself, "boy, am I ever being polite" when in reality that person opens it up and thinks, "What a tight ass jerk", when that's not what you were trying to convey at all. I ususally suggest to people that they reread what they type before they hit send. When you reread it try to put yourself in the recipients shoes and when you read it, think how you would react to it. Anyways, just a couple of thoughts.

Great thoughts, Swifty! Will try to find a way to incorporate them into the "howto" section. LOL, even when I don't necessarily agree with your opinions, I always find them worth reading.

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  • 16 years ago

Ingore them, flag them, and go on. Admin will weed them out. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Enjoy what you have.

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

One thing I will add while I'm thinking of it, is if you think someone has done something offensive try and keep it private. When you make it public people's first response is normally to take the defensive. Once some one is on the defensive, there is usually very little chance to get them to listen to reason. Then it just snowballs from we've seen already. ;) Another thing to add is that people need to remember that there is no tone to the written word. While you maybe typing away thinking to yourself, "boy, am I ever being polite" when in reality that person opens it up and thinks, "What a tight ass jerk", when that's not what you were trying to convey at all. I ususally suggest to people that they reread what they type before they hit send. When you reread it try to put yourself in the recipients shoes and when you read it, think how you would react to it. Anyways, just a couple of thoughts.
Great thoughts, Swifty! Will try to find a way to incorporate them into the "howto" section. LOL, even when I don't necessarily agree with your opinions, I always find them worth reading.

Thanks for that and right back at you on your opinions. I have had a lot of online experience (like many people here lol) and try to put my own tips in from time to time. Some people appreciate it and I'm finding out right now that there are others who are vehementlly opposed to it. LOL! Oh well, to each their own.

p.s. A saying has just popped up in my mind and one I think some people should keep in mind as well. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and every now and again it turns to shit. LOL

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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

Great saying Swifty !!!!! It all comes down to respect. We all have our opinions, and we all have the right to voice them here. As Jen said, we all may have different opinions, and for the most part we listen to each other, and do not judge each other for having differing ones, which is respect. None of us ever know when it just may be our opinion that turns to sh** !!!!


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  • 16 years ago
RE: Rules and Guidelines for Chat/Pictures/Forums and how to Self-Police

Another thing to add is that people need to remember that there is no tone to the written word. While you maybe typing away thinking to yourself, "boy, am I ever being polite" when in reality that person opens it up and thinks, "What a tight ass jerk", when that's not what you were trying to convey at all. I ususally suggest to people that they reread what they type before they hit send. When you reread it try to put yourself in the recipients shoes and when you read it, think how you would react to it.
Those of us that are couples might be advised to have their other half read what was written BEFORE sending it.
Those of us that are not, might do well to sleep on it before sending.
I've gotten in trouble with a few that do not know me well, by unintentional slights due to exactly this effect. Assuming that it comes across as intended without inflection or body language. It seldom does.
I always look at anything sent to me with a "Could I be reading this wrong ?" attitude, but the VAST majority react from emotion, and shoot back from the hip. Then, things can escalate as both sides misinterpert the meanings.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said,
"... but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.--Robert McCloskey

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  • 16 years ago