What Would You Say to Convince Someone to Try a Nude Hike?
This is an interesting question, as for telling someone I know that's already tough. Assuming that in terms of my relationship to this person we are already at the point where my naturism is a well established thing that they are accepting of it, which is a big assumption as I'm quite private, I would just tell them that I often hike nude and that it's a very comfortable and freeing way to hike that I recommend. Additionally I would tell them that if they have any inclination to try it out and even perhaps if they don't, they should try it out at one of the spots i'd recommend just to see if they like it. Basically I'd just offer my sincere recommendation and support, because in terms of convincing a friend to try something that is such a big leap for so many people all you really can do I feel is just offer your seal of approval and support and if they're they type of person who would be interested in it they'll try it out and if not they won't. I suppose perhaps you could make arguments about communing with nature and the freedom and body acceptance etc, but ultimately they wont try it unless they already were a little curious to try it I feel.
As for the second part, I'm going to assume you mean someone who you met on the trail but have been hiking with and conversing with for a while who then brings up the issue of nude hiking and why do it. Because the majority of textile hikers I come across don't end up conversing beyond pleasantries and for the ones that do we very seldom talk about naturism beyond sometimes making jokes about it, we usually talk about other stuff that we actually do have in common. Anyhow The very situation in question did happen to me once when I was hiking with someone and after a while the topic of my naturism was brought up , in specific they said that they had never even considered that there were people out there who liked to be nude just to be nude , they had always thought that only sex perverts and the like wanted to be naked outdoors. Basically they were saying that the idea of non sexual nudity was totally novel to them and they thought it was pretty cool however they were interested in what drew me to it. So tried to explain kind of the way it works for me is that when I hike I feel that naturism allows me a sense of freedom and communing with nature that I can't get wearing clothes. How when I hike I can feel the breeze and sun all over my body unhindered by clothes, basically it just feels good. That was the premise of my argument to them and they seemed receptive so idk I guess that's your answer. I didn't explain things as well as I could have and in retrospect I would have also added the body acceptance argument which kind of goes like when you are clothed you are always conscience of presenting you best side and wearing them well etc however when you are nude its all out there and it forces you to accept your body.
There is also the fact (which most people don't realize fully) that clothes are uncomfortable. They squeeze, bind, and restrict the body. Non-nudists are so used to it that they don't even think about it until it's pointed out to them. Hiking nude, being nude, is just more comfortable and less restricted.
To answer my own post. I would tell them that it is a good way to exercise, nice to sweat efficiently, its liberating, exhilarating, and fun. If you are into such things, you feel more connected with nature, in fact, if you are trying to enjoy and connect with nature, it is hard to imagine any other way to do it than naked.