Most danger while nude?
Here is a topic i don't think has been brought up here before. When were you in the most physical danger while in the buff?
Mine that comes to mind was one icy winter night I had put my dog on her leash in the yard while I soaked in the hot tub. When I got out, dripping wet and bare ass, I went down the 3 steps to get her and let her come back inside with me. As I hurried down the steps I started slipping, I did catch myself , but in that half second of tottering the headline flashed before my eyes " Naked Man Found Frozen to Death, Dog Licking His Toes"
What is your humorous or serious brush with physical harm or death while nude?
I was freehiking solo on a mountainside trail several years ago and came on a rockslide that blocked the trail. Because I really like the valley at the end of that trail, I foolishly started to climb along the rocks. Just a few yards in I realized how loose they were and seriously wondered whether I could even crawl back. A fall would likely have caused major injury or be fatal. I was cursing my stupidity as I carefully climbed back. At least the previous posters can claim accident, this was maybe my most harrowing experience ever, but it was due to my foolishness. But wait, it was a unique naked experience, should I check it off the bucket list?
I was camping and went for an early morning hike. It was very early and nobody in the campground was awake yet, so I was able to strip as soon as I was on the trail. Just a 1/4-mile into the hike and was walking down a hill only to see a bear starting to walk up the hill. We saw each other at the same moment and both of us froze. Fortunately, the bear turned and ran after a couple seconds. All I could think about was the headline 'naked man mauled by bear near campground'
I have 2 stories from the same location on different days.
Our first nude experience was in the Colorado mountains at Valley View Hot Springs. The upper pools are a 1/4 mile hike up the side of the mountain. My wife could not make the hike so I left her at one of the lower pools. The only shoes I had on were slide on shower shoes so it was a difficult hike but I made it. As I was climbing out of the pool my foot slipped out of the slipper and ended up getting cut on a rock, I fell back but didn't hit my head. I was okay and there were a couple of other people there but If I had hit my head in the water and was alone it could have been a while before my wife missed me and she would not be able to get to me. I now where rubber soled shoes in the pools.
When we went back the next day, we undressed at the truck and was walking the trail to the pools when a snake slithered across the trail. I don't think that I was in any danger from the snake but my wife upon seeing the snake dug her fingernails into my arm and screamed in my ear. That hurt. I now go first and carry a knife.
Bears. I've had two bear encounters when freehiking. They don't really bother me too much, because I probably average one or two bear encounters a year. However, the ones where I was naked are memorable. I scared up a smallish one that was bedded down in some tall grass. He was sprinting away from me before I really realized what he was. This year I came across one rooting around in a meadow. Because of where he was and where I had to go, I needed to get his attention while I had some distance between us. I was standing naked at the bottom of the meadow waving my arms yelling "Hey Bear". He saw me and took off. He was one of the largest black bears I have ever seen in Colorado, and I cleared that area quickly. Wildlife encounters when naked awesome. I've come across many elk, walked right up on a herd once. Honestly, the one that startled me the most was when I flushed a couple of sandhill cranes. I had no idea they were there and when those huge birds took flight, they scared the _______ out of me.
that reminds me of an foggy early morning hike i did in the buff years ago. Across the road from me are fields bisected by a county ditch. the farmer used to keep the 30 ft strip rough mown and once the corn was high enough i could streak across the road and be out of sight for a totally nude hike. The fog was dense which amplifies sound. The ditch was lined with scrub trees. Just as I got under a tall cottonwood, a pair of raccoons got into a fight right above me. Their screams sound almost human. I know i jumped big time and it took a while before my heart rate returned to normal. Another morn all of a sudden, it got bright behind. My first thought that I was being back lit by head lights from a 4 wheeler but had not heard any sound. Instead it was the light reflecting off the low clouds from an event at the steel mill which is about 3 miles south of where I was hiking.
The naked hikes have pretty much come to an end, thanks to the county cutting the scrub trees and brush and the farmer switching to alfalfa which does not get nearly as tall as corn, plus he stopped rough mowing, so instead of 6" of grass, it is now waist high with a variety of burry weeds and plants.
I was a kid riding my bike when something happened with the front wheel and I went flying over the handlebars and landed on pavement, chin first. Split my chin wide open. I just layed there, apparently in shock, but crying. A neighbor happened to be outside and heard the commotion and came over to investigate. He picked me up and carried me into his house and applied a towel to my chin and called my parents. Next thing I knew, I was on my way to the doctor's office. There, they gave me 10 stitches in my chin (still have the scar). For the long trip home, since it was now almost dark and it was getting cold, they did wrap a blanket around me.