RE:Retirement and Nude Time

Yeah ... my nude time did increase after I retired. There were actually days and sometimes a week at a time when I didn't wear clothes at all. It was great but my wife was still working and I missed spending all that time with her and being naked together. She would often say that it was unfair for me to be able to be naked all day and she had to go to work.Though I doubt that the ability to be naked all day played a huge part in her decision to finally retire, one of the things she said about finally retiring was that she didn't have to try and figure out what to wear for work but just staying home and being naked helped her stress level considerably and she should have retired years ago, with me! ;-)Nowadays, with both of us retired, we do our best to plan and figure out how we can maximize our nude time before having to get dressed and go out. If we happen to have crappy weather, we choose those days to run errands or if we have to go out for any reason, we make sure to include other stops for things we may need to minimize the amount of time we have to get dressed and leave the house and backyard. It certainly opens up the spontaneity with regards to visits to the beach, our club or resorts!How do you find a week when you can be continuously naked?.I have been trying since I retired to find a time when I can go shirtless for an entire week and the best I have done is 4 days.Something always comes up where I need to wear a shirt.

It was easier right after I retired. I just didn't feel like going out and spent many of those times working on things around the house, inside and outside. I would spend a couple of those days just sitting and watching TV all day ... hahaha By the time 2 or 3 pm rolled around, my wife was on her way home from work. I'd start getting dinner ready, she'd arrived and strip and didn't want to go out ... quite often this was our routine for the first couple years, several times in that year. It wasn't all the time. For me, it was more that I was tired of getting in the truck and driving to work, working and spending most of that time dressed. I think I just felt like I didn't have to get dressed if I didn't want to so I didn't!

Our typical length of time continuously naked would be anywhere from 2-4 days. I haven't had a full week of nudity unless we've gone on vacation to a club or resort in quite some time. My wife will slip on clothes and run errands alone and I don't mind. It allows me to stay nude and do things around the house.

After those times when I did have an entire week of nudity or even after a few days of continuous nudity, sure ... it feels strange to put on clothes. Depending on the weather, we can most times get away with wearing the minimal. As stated in other threads, I still drive naked quite a bit so shorts, t shirt or Hawaiian shirt and flip flops are usually my retirement uniform. Cooler/cold days calls for long pants, long sleeves and sweatshirts or jackets and that usually means less naked driving.

I think because we live nude almost everyday and for most of the day, it's not as big a deal to slip on clothes to run errands or do other things. We know that in an hour or two or three ... or even a full day of wearing clothes, we'll have the evening and most times the next day or two to choose not to wear clothes at all.

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RE:Retirement and Nude Time

I'm retired from a paying job, but spend much of my time rehabbing two houses we own. My wife still works three days per week and I spend a lot of that construction time nude. This morning I spent four hours mudding some new drywall. In a few minutes, I will be changing a heating system pump. The only time I spent dressed today was during the three hour drive between the two houses.

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RE:Retirement and Nude Time

One of my band colleagues mentioned that it worked the opposite way with him.
He usually worked from home and did so nude.
Once he retired, he got more involved in community activities and spent more time working in his yard that was open to two busy streets, so he was actually nude less.

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