Heck yes! Hairy is so sexy
- 7 years ago
Heck yes! Hairy is so sexy
- 7 years ago
Heck yes! Hairy is so sexy
- 7 years ago
Heck yes! Hairy is so sexy
- 7 years ago
I am fairly hairy and I am going to keep it as it is more natural and feels better.
- 7 years ago
Though the top of my head is becoming more hairless all of the time, the rest of me is very well covered, even the tops of my fingers and toes. If I had the choice, it would be completely hairless, but that takes too much effort. It would; however, be nice when cleaning the bathroom. There would not be that one last hair that you just can't seem to get rid of. You can move it around or from one place to another, but can't seem to get rid of it.
- 7 years ago
it's whatever your comfortable with , i've totally smooth from nose to toes i like it especially with a nice summer tan. i use a body groomer use to shave couple times a week now down to once a week as the more you shave the slower it grows.
- 7 years ago
I'm pretty hairy.. thank goodness not too hairy but I still like grooming and being well kept. I trim the parts I want to tame (mostly chest, bear trail and pubes) and clip the parts I want to recede to look like skin such as the middle of my torso, (under the chest) sides of my abdomin and my butt xx
- 7 years ago
I do shave. Basically same reason as for not having a beard (not offence guys). I just dont like any hair in my soup or getting in the way. So same with pubes and with my ass. Hey I tell you, a lot easier to keep clean since I shave there too. Front and Back :)
- 7 years ago
I'm very hairy! I keep it natural. It was actually nudism that helped me accept my body! So, I'm proud of my hair, and leave it like it is. :)
- 7 years ago