Another aspect of "Respect" is simple social graces-specifically Courtesy. If you tell someone you are going to visit them, one would assume that person is planning their day around your visit. Most likely they are putting some chores or activities on hold, pending your promised visit. Why are so many people, young and old, saying they are going to do something or come for a visit, then never show up? They never phone or send an email message to say they are not going to make it. My only thought is that since they communicated by the internet, they feel exempt from common courtesy.

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I agree. Some if the comments on the gallery here are disgusting and the moderators definitely need to be taking a harder line on banning these perverts giving true naturalists a bad name.

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Remember if someone posts something about a photo on your profile the quickest thing is to remove him/her from your friend list as you need to be a friend to post these comments in the first place.

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Totally agree.

Perhaps it should be part of the nudie code that if someone witnesses an injustice or lack of respect they are OBLIGATED to call it out. As in, it's not optional to ignore, but rather someone who ignores is complicit with the offender.

I have textile friends who I have invited to the public FKK beach and they really really enjoy it, it's fun to see their perspective change. But in two instances a guy who thought he was really smooth under the radar kinda ruined the whole experience for the woman/friend I was with. I was really pissed off. Sometimes I think maybe these people need a re-education in what is socially acceptable and what is not, clothed or unclothed.

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This is an old topic but I will give my current thoughts:
sometimes i just send a friend request to a female just to say hi. I have no intention of sitting on the site for 3 hours and typing to randoms so It really is just to say hi and to show NOT all guys are horn dogs messaging a female to hit on them or (etc.). Often times the ladies do not accept my hi or add because they assume I am a horn toad. Maybe the young ish guy thing is part of it for me.

I've been in various online communities for years and I know you can have 50 really cool people and then 5 aholes and the 5 aholes can make a place seem bad. The negatives tend to stick in your mind: "hey that guy was annoying". It's true that some guys are horn dogs on here and I know the ladies get swarmed in their private messages... BUT, it's not all mens fault. Ladies should realize in that it is probably the same 25 guys on the prowl sending horny messages on this site and then there is the other 200+ of us that are laid back and very nice in general.

The funny of everything is this: you think the horn toad guys are going to respect this thread: heck no (lol). People are who they are and it takes a lot of will power to change a set pattern of behavior/thought processes. So all of the guys that posted in this thread in agreement with the opening posts messages are the ones who were already respecting the ladies before the opening post was ever written haha.

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This is not just a problem on this web site or in the nudist world. I suspect that it is some of the same men that are disrespectful here that are the ones getting called on the carpet in offices, Statehouses, and elsewhere. I am so glad that women are taking a stand on this. Certainly, the word is out that that kind of behavior is not acceptable. Unfortunately, web sites like this one will probably remain a places where they can act out because of the anonymity. I for one wish there was a nudist web site that was more selective, and men and women could communicate more normally.

One last thought - I saw this on a profile a week ago. Paraphrasing - does it really matter if you are gay, straight or bi? Being a nudist is not supposed to be about sex. That is certainly idealistic, but a nice thought.

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Well put.

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The older generations have been complaining about the lack of respect and responsibility for millennia. What I frequently see is young people wanting to make this world a better place. They volunteer in their communities, and do well in their studies, and they work hard at their jobs. This; however, does not apply to all and it never has. We tend to focus on the negative and because of that bad behavior appears on the news and in social media. Find a political candidate who advertises a positive only campaign without making his or her opponent look like a bad choice and you probably have found the loser of that election. They do because it works.

Our president uses this tactic almost daily, and I believe that the example he sets is being followed by many more than at any previous time. It is still for the most part a civil society when dealing with someone face to face, but the anonymity of the Internet has brought out the worst in us.

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Sometimes I think a lot of people think this is just another hook up site. The naked body can be respectfully admired without adding the sexual quotient to it. No different from admiring somebody that is nicely clothed. Show some manners. There are a lot of trolls here so just block them and move on.

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