2010 Predictions from Sports Illustrated

Thought some of you might find these interesting or entertaining. SI columnist Peter King has his predictions for the 2010 season for division, wild card and conference winners(for whatever they are worth):
North = Steelers
East = Jets
South = Colts
West = Chargers
Wild cards = Patriots, Ravens
North = Packers
East = Giants
South = Saints
West = 49ers
Wild cards = Cowboys. Panthers
King has the Steelers and Packers in the Super Bowl, Steelers winning. I'm a Steelers fan, and I'm not sure about that one! I think the Panthers could be a surprise contender in the NFC, and the Titans could be a surprise in the AFC. As for the Super Bowl, I think the Saints could at least take the NFC title, if not repeat. Any other predictions or thoughts?

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