How did you met your partner?

For all the members in a relationship, how did you met your spouse, partner?

My partner is a EMT and I met him some years ago when he drove me to the hospital and back a few times. Did not get rid of him since :-)))

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RE:How did you met your partner?

We are high school sweethearts.

Our freshman year of HS, I saw Di during lunch time and told my friend that I was going to date her. He said, "she's outta your league!" We met some other friends for lunch the following day and Di was also their friend and to my surprise, was in attendance. We had lunch together as a group nearly everyday at school and began hanging around together and attending various school functions and gatherings at someone's house, pool parties, beach trips, movies ... as a group.

It was no secret that I was smitten with Di but she could not date nor have a boyfriend at that time. We became friends and I always danced with her at school dances. Our relationship grew and we began dating when she was given permission by her parents, at 16. We've been together ever since.

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RE:How did you met your partner?

I met my love in college, she was roommates with a good friend from high school. That was almost 40years ago and it seems like yesterday! I still remember the "hunt" :) Funny thing is she had a crush on me too and I was to stoopid to notice!
When I got up the gumption to ask her out, we've been inseparable since.

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RE:How did you met your partner?

My wife and I met at church camp. We were both counselors. Love at first site :-)

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RE:How did you met your partner?

My wife and I met in High School and at church. The first time I really noticed her I was at a Bible Study at our Youth Minister's house and she was there as well. I was smitten from there. It took her a long time to be into me though. I didn't give up and pursued her for a long time. We were friends first, then romantic. That was around 40 years ago, and we haven't looked back!

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RE:How did you met your partner?

It's interesting to see how many long-term couples met in a faith-based organization or activity of some sort. Same for us.

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RE:How did you met your partner?

In Bed...................................................................................................... She was 4 months and I was two weeks old.... Gotch ya thinking though didn't I ???? LOL

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RE:How did you met your partner?

She wandered into one of my dance classes. 6 months later, I asked her to be my dancing assistant. Fast forward a couple of yrs . . . ] we are married now.

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RE:How did you met your partner?

We met at a dance club we were both young. We have now been together for more than 40 years.

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RE:How did you met your partner?

At a wedding. A mutual friend set us up, and we been together 37 years

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RE:How did you met your partner?

In court. My wife worked for a company that my company represented. She was appearing on behalf of her company and I was representing mine. The judge that was to hear the case became ill and the hearing was rescheduled for two weeks later. Well, we had some time to kill so we went out for lunch. I picked her up two weeks later, won the case, and asked her out. We were married for nearly 45 years before she passed away.

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